Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (2024)

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (1)


Financial Communication


Attijariwafa bank as of December 31, 2017



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Attijariwafa bankA limited company with a capital of MAD 2,035,272,260. Head office: 2, boulevard moulay Youssef, 20,000 Casablanca, MoroccoPhone: +212 (0) 5 22 22 41 69 or +212 (0) 5 22 29 88 88 - TR 333 - IF

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (2)

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (3)


Financial Communication


Attijariwafa bank as of December 31, 2017

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (4)

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (5)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 20175

› 19,754 Employees

› 3,407 Branches in Morocco

› 290 Branches in North Africa

› 70 Branches in Europe, the Middle East and America

› 443 Branches in West Africa

› 96 Branches in Central Africa

Attijariwafa bank key figures

Attijariwafa bank’s share price performance

Attijariwafa bank vs MASI from 12/31/2011 to 02/13/2018

Stock market indicators

Attijariwafa bank 2015 2016 2017

Price 338 413 484

P/B 1.86x 2.06x 2.27x

PER 15.28x 17.67x 18.27x

DY 3.26 % 2.91% 2.58%

Number of Shares 203,527,226 203,527,226 203,527,226

Market capitalisation (in millions of Dirhams) 68,772 84,057 98,507

Largest bank by market capitalization in Morocco:

MAD 98.5 billion at 31 December 2017.

Shareholding structureas of December 31, 2017

SNI Group Local Institutions Free-float and others

Santusa holding s.l. Attijariwafa bank staff(Santander)

47.9 %

17.0 %5.3 %

0.7 %

29.1 %










135Base 100Dec. 11


AWB : -2.6%MASI : -2.6%

AWB : +12.8%MASI : +5.6%

AWB : -10.6%MASI : -15.1%

AWB : -1.8%MASI : -7.2%

AWB :+22.2%MASI : +30.5%

AWB : +17.2%MASI : +6.4%

AWB : +4.1%MASI : +5.8%

12/31/11 12/31/12 12/31/13 12/31/14 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (6)

Fitch Rating July 2017

Long-term in foreign currency BB+

Short-term in foreign currency B

Long-term in local currency AA-(mar)

Outlook stable

Moody’s July 2016

Long-term Ba2

Short-term NP

Outlook Positive

Standard & Poor’s December 2017

Long-term BB

Short-term B

Outlook stable


BOARD OF DIRECTORS at 31 December 2017

General Management

Mr. Mohamed EL KETTANI Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Omar BOUNJOU Managing Director, Retail Banking Division

Mr. Ismail DOUIRI Managing Director, Finance, Technology and Operations Division

Mr. Boubker JAI Managing Director, Corporate and Investment Banking, Capital Markets & Financial Subsidiaries

Mr. Talal EL BELLAJ Managing Director, Global Risk Management

Mr. Mohamed EL KETTANI Chairman of the Board

Mr. Antonio ESCAMEZ TORRES Vice-Chairman

Mr. Mounir EL MAJIDI Director, Representing SIGER

Mr. Hassan OURIAGLI Director, Representing SNI

Mr. Abdelmjid TAZLAOUI Director

Mr. José REIG Director


Mr. Aldo OLCESE SANTONJA Director - Independant

Mr. Manuel VARELA Director, Representing Santander

Mr. Aymane TAUD Director

Mrs. Wafaa GUESSOUS Secretary



Mr. Saâd BENJELLOUN Head of Casablanca region

Mr. Saâd BENWAHOUD Head of North-West region

Mr. Said SEBTI Head of North-East region

Mr. Mohamed BOUBRIK Head of South-West region

Mr. Fouad MAGHOUS Head of South Region

Mr. Hassan BEDRAOUI Managing Director, Attijariwafa bank Europe

Mr. Mouaouia ESSEKELLI Transaction Banking

Mr. Karim Idrissi KAITOUNI SMEs banking

Mr. Mohamed SOUSSI Group Human Resources

Mrs. Wafaa GUESSOUS Procurement, Logistics and Secretary of the Board

Mr. JAMAL AHIZOUNE International Retail Banking

Mr. Youssef ROUISSI Corporate & Investment Banking

Mr. Younes BELABED General Audit

Mrs. Saloua BENMEHREZ Group Communication

Mr. Ismail EL FILALI Back Offices and Customer Services

Mrs. Malika EL YOUNSI Group Legal Advisory

Mr. Badr ALIOUA Private Banking

Mr. Rachid KETTANI Group Finance Division

Mrs. Soumaya LRHEZZIOUI Group Information Systems

Mr. Driss MAGHRAOUI Personal & Professional Banking

Mr. Hassan BERTAL Transformation Office

Mr. Omar GHOMARI Specialized Financial Companies

Mr. Rachid EL BOUZIDI Retail Banking Support Functions

Central Entities

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (7)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 20177

Attijariwafa bank’s Board of Directors, chaired by Mr Mohamed El Kettani, met on 22 February 2018, inorder to review the activity and approve the financial statements for the 31 December 2017.

Growth and profitability driven by an ambitious continental strategy

› Total consolidated assets MAD 475.7 billion +10.9 %› Consolidated shareholders’ equity MAD 50.8 billion +7.2 %› Net banking income MAD 21.6 billion +10.0 %› Operating income MAD 11.7 billion +10.8 %› Net income MAD 6.6 billion +16.5 %› Net income group share MAD 5.4 billion +13.3 %› Total network 4,306 branches in 26 countries

› Total staff 19,754 employees

(*) Consolidated customer deposits + assets under management + bancassurance assets(**) Operations with a low added value for branches and migrated to digital banking, eg: transfers, disposal, payment of invoices…(***) Electronic payment through different channels (eg: payment cards, ebanking, ATM, mobile banking…)

Attijariwafa bank’s press releaseRESULTS at 31 December 2017

Attijariwafa bank reported in 2017 strong growth, driven by the first integration of Attijariwafa bank Egypt in the consolidation scope and by solid results of all operating divisions in a context marked by continued improvement in loans growth and asset quality in Morocco.


Net Banking Income grew by 10.0% to MAD 21.6 billion thanks to all its components: net interest margin (+11.2%), net fee income (+8.3%) and income from market activities (+14.5%).

Gross operating income soared by 10.8% to MAD 11.7 billion and cost-income ratio improved by 0.4 point from 46.5% in 2016 to 46.1% in 2017.

Consolidated net income rose by 16.5% to MAD 6.6 billion and net income group share totaled MAD 5.4 billion, up 13.3%. At a constant scope, net income and net income group share grew respectively by 9.4% and 11.3%(1).

The Group’s financial position strengthened thanks to the increase of shareholders’ equity by MAD 3.4 billion to MAD 50.8 billion (+7.2%) and profitability improved significantly (RoE of 15.3%(2). and RoA of 1.4%(2) up 1.7 point and 0,1 point respectively).


Net income group share’s has been supported by the organic growth of all business lines and the consolidation of Attijariwafa bank Egypt (8 months).

• The Bank in Morocco, Europe and Tanger Offshore (BMET): +14.7%;

• Specialized Financial Companies: +1.3%;

Insurance : -49.5% due to the decrease of Attijariwafa bank’s stake in Wafa Assurance from 79.29% to 39.65%;

• International Retail Banking (IRB): +45.2% (+14.8% at a constant scope and exchange rate(1)). Attijariwafa bank Egypt reported a significant growth of its main indicators. Net banking income and net income increased by 27.1% and 67.8% respectively (RoE: 31.8% and RoA: 4.0%). IRB’s contribution to net income group share reached 32%(2) in 2017 from 23% in 2016.


Attijariwafa bank continues in 2018 the rigorous implementation of its ambitious strategy. It aims at widening access to financial services

to all customer segments, capturing the growth potential of fast growing and under penetrated markets while controlling its consolidated risk profile.

In Morocco, the « Energies 2020 » strategic plan intends to position Attijariwafa bank as “the relationship-focused bank” for all customers and to leverage on new digital and “Big Data” technologies.

« Energies 2020 », since its launch in 2016, has consolidated Attijariwafa bank’s leadership with regards to digital banking and electronic payments.

In Egypt, 2018 is a pivotal year in the implementation of the development plan of Attijariwafa bank Egypt which aims at reinforcing significantly its position in the Egyptian banking sector.

The Board of Directors congratulated all the Group’s teams for their commitment and achievements in 2017.

The Board has also decided to convene the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to submit for approval the accounts as of December 31, 2017 and to propose a dividend of 12.5 dirhams per share.

The Board of DirectorsCasablanca, 22 February, 2018

(1) Proforma is calculated at a constant 2016 scope. In 2017, the scope was impacted by : (i) the decrease of Attijariwafa bank’s stake in Wafa Assurance from 79.29% to 39.65% (closing on December 2016) and (ii) the consolidation of Attijariwafa bank Egypt (closing on Mai 2017)

(2) Ratios based on 12 months consolidation of Attijariwafa bank Egypt

N° 1 Savings institution

Total savings*

(billion MAD)

N° 1 provider of financingto the economy

Total consolidated loans(billion MAD)


Dec 16 Dec 17


+5.3 %


2016 2017


+3.5 pts


2016 2017


+24.6 pts

1st player in digital banking and electronic paymentsin Morocco

Market share in electronic payments***

% of operations** processed through digital banking


Dec 16 Dec 17

+8.8 %

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (8)

Attijariwafa bank’s consolidated financial statements have been prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) since first-half 2007 with the opening balance at 1 January 2006.

In its consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017, the Attijariwafa bank Group has applied the obligatory principles and standards set out by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

IFRS9 Financial instruments: IFRS9 replaces most of the guidance in IAS 39 « Financial Instruments – recognition and measurement ». This Standard will be effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018. It includes amended guidance for the classification and measurement of financial assets, impairment model and hedge accounting.

Classification and measurement:Classification and measurement under IFRS9 is driven by the entity’s business model related to the management of financial instrument and by the contractual cash flow characteristics of the instrument.

Debt instruments (loans, receivables, or assets) are measured at amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI) or fair value through profit or loss (FVPL).

Investments in equity instruments are measured at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), or, at fair value through other comprehensive income with no recycling (FVOCI no recycling).

Impairment:IFRS9 implies the early impairment of credit risk based on expected losses. The impairment requirements are applied for credits and debt instruments, loan commitments and, financial guarantee contracts, and operating lease receivables.

Implementation:A joint program between Risks Department and Finance Department has been established to implement IFRS9 starting from 1 January 2018.

Consolidation principles:Standard:

The scope of consolidation is determined on the basis of what type of control (exclusive control, joint control or material influence) is exercised over the various overseas and domestic entities in which the Group has a direct or indirect interest.

The Group likewise consolidates legally independent entities specifically established for a restricted and well-defined purpose known as « special purpose entities », which are controlled by the credit institution, without there being any shareholder relationship between the entities.

The extent to which the Group exercises control will determine the consolidation method: fully consolidated for entities under the exclusive control of the Group as required by IFRS 10 "Consolidated Financial Statements” or under the equity method for associate companies or joint ventures as required by IAS 28 “Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures”.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:Attijariwafa bank includes entities in its scope of consolidation in which:

• It holds, directly or indirectly, at least 20% of the voting rights;

• The subsidiary’s consolidated figures satisfy one of the following criteria:- The subsidiary’s total assets exceed 0.5% of consolidated total assets;- The subsidiary’s net assets exceed 0.5% of consolidated net assets;- The subsidiary’s sales or banking income exceed 0.5% of consolidated

banking income.

Specialist mutual funds (UCITS) are consolidated according to IFRS 10 which addresses the issue of consolidation of special purpose entities and in particular funds under exclusive control.

Those entities controlled or under exclusive control whose securities are held for a short period of time are excluded from the scope of consolidation.

Fixed assets:

Property, plant and equipment:Standard:Items of property plant and equipment are valued by entities using either the cost model or the revaluation model.

Cost modelUnder the cost model, assets are valued at cost less accumulated depreciation.

Revaluation modelOn being recognised as an asset, an item of property, plant and equipment, whose fair value may be accurately assessed, must be marked to market. Fair value is the value determined at the time the asset is marked to market less accumulated depreciation.

The sum-of-parts approach breaks down the items of property, plant and equipment into their most significant individual parts (constituents). They must be accounted for separately and systematically depreciated as a function of their estimated useful lives in such a way as to reflect the rate at which the related economic benefits are consumed.

Estimated useful life under IFRS is the length of time that a depreciable asset is expected to be usable.

The depreciable amount of an asset is the cost of the asset (or fair value) less its residual value.

Residual value is the value of the asset at the end of its estimated useful life, which takes into account the asset’s age and foreseeable condition.Borrowing costs

The IAS 23 standard entitled « Borrowing costs » does not allow to recognise immediately as expenses the cost of borrowing directly attributable to acquisition, construction or production of an eligible asset. All the costs of borrowing must be added into the expenses.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:The Group has opted to use the cost model. The fair value method may be used, however, without having to justify this choice, with an account under shareholders’ equity.

Attijariwafa bank has decided against using several depreciation schedules but a single depreciation schedule in the consolidated financial statements under IFRS standards.

Under the sum-of-parts approach, the Group has decided to not include those components whose gross value is less than MAD 1000 thousand.- Historical cost (original cost) is broken down on the basis of the breakdown

of the current replacement cost as a function of technical data.

Residual value:The residual value of each part is considered to be zero except in the case of land. Residual value is applied only to land (nonamortisable by nature), which is the only component to have an unlimited life.

Investment property:Standard:An investment property is a property which is held either to earn rental income or for capital appreciation or for both.


Consolidated Accounts at 31 December 2017FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (9)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 20179

An investment property generates cash flows in a very different way to the company’s other assets unlike the use of a building by its owner whose main purpose is to produce or provide goods and services.

An entity has the choice between:

The fair value method – if an entity opts for this treatment, then it must be applied to all buildings.

The cost model – an estimate of the fair value of investment properties must be recorded either in the balance sheet or in the notes to the financial statements.

It is only possible to move from the cost method to the fair value method.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:All buildings not used in ordinary activities are classified as investment property except for staff accommodation and buildings expected to be sold within a year.

The Group’s policy is to retain all buildings used in ordinary activities and those leased to companies outside the Group.

The historical cost method, modified by the sum-of-parts approach, is used to value investment properties. Information about fair value must be presented in the notes to the financial statements.

Intangible assets:Standard:An intangible asset is a non-monetary asset which is identifiable and not physical in nature.

An intangible asset is deemed to be identifiable if it:• Is separable, that is to say, capable of being separated and sold, transferred,

licensed, rented, or exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract; or

• Arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are transferable or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations.

Two valuation methods are possible:• The cost method;• The revaluation model. This treatment is possible if an active market exists.

Amortisation of an intangible asset depends on its estimated useful life. An intangible asset with an unlimited useful life is not amortised but subject to impairment testing at least once a year at the end of the period. An intangible asset with a limited useful life is amortised over the life of the asset.

An intangible asset produced by the company for internal use is recognised if it is classified, from the R&D phase, as a fixed asset.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:Attijariwafa bank has decided against using several amortisation schedules but a single amortisation schedule in the consolidated financial statements under IFRS/IAS.

Acquisition costs not yet amortised as expenses at 1 January 2006 have been restated under shareholders’ equity.

Leasehold rights :

Leasehold rights recognised in the parent company financial statements are not amortised. In the consolidated financial statements, they are amortised using an appropriate method over their useful life.

Business goodwill:

Business goodwill recorded in the parent company financial statements of the different consolidated entities has been reviewed to ensure that the way in which it is calculated is in accordance with IAS/IFRS.

Software:The estimated useful life of software differs depending on the type of software (operating software or administrative software).

Valuation of software developed in-house:Group Information Systems’ Management provides the necessary information to value software developed in-house. In the event that the valuation is not accurate, then the software cannot be recognised as an asset.

Transfer fees, commission and legal fees: These are recognised as expenses or at purchase cost depending on their value.

Separate amortisation schedules are used if there is a difference of more than MAD 1000K between parent company financial statements and IFRS statements.


Cost of a business combination:Business combinations are accounted for using the acquisition method according to which the acquisition cost is contingent consideration transferred in order to obtain control.

The acquirer must measure the acquisition cost as:

• The aggregate fair value, at the acquisition date, of assets acquired, liabilities incurred or assumed and equity instruments issued by the acquirer in consideration for control of the acquired company ;

• The other costs directly attributable to the acquisition are recognised through profit or loss in the year in which they are incurred.

The acquisition date is the date at which the acquirer obtains effective control of the acquired company.

Allocation of the cost of a business combination to the assets acquired and to the liabilities and contingent liabilities assumed:The acquirer must, at the date of acquisition, allocate the cost of a business combination by recognising the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree that satisfy the recognition criteria at their respective fair values on that date.

Any difference between the cost of the business combination and the acquirer’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities is recognised under goodwill.

Accounting for Goodwill:The acquirer must, at the date of acquisition, recognise the goodwill acquired in a business combination.• Initial measurement : this goodwill must be initially measured at cost,

namely the excess of the cost of the business combination over the acquirer’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities.

• Subsequent measurement: following initial recognition, the acquirer must measure the goodwill acquired in a business combination at cost less cumulative impairment subsequent to annual impairment tests or when there is any indication of impairment to its carrying value.

If the share of the fair value of the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquired entities exceeds the acquisition cost, negative goodwill is recognised immediately through profit or loss.

If initial recognition of a business combination can be determinedonly provisionally by the end of the reporting period in which the business combination takes place, the acquirer must account for the business combination using provisional values. The acquirer must recognise adjustments to provisional values relating to finalising the recognition within that financial period, beyond which time no adjustments are possible.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (10)

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank: • Option taken not to restate the existing goodwill at 12/31/05, in accordance

with the provisions of IFRS 1 “First-Time Adoption” ;• Goodwill amortisation is discontinued when the asset has an indefinite

life in accordance with amended IFRS 3 “Business combinations”;• Regular impairment tests must be carried out to ensure that the

carrying amount of goodwill is below the recoverable amount. If not, an impairment loss must be recognised;

• the Cash Generating Units mirror the segment reporting to be presented at Group level ; these are the banking business and the insurance business ;

• The recoverable amount is the higher of the unit’s value in use and its carrying amount less costs of disposal. This is used in impairment tests as required by IAS 36. If an impairment test reveals that the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, then the asset is written down by the excess of the carrying amount over its recoverable amount.


Inventories are assets:• Held for sale during the normal business cycle;• In the process of being produced for future sale;• In the form of raw materials or supplies consumed during the production

process or to provide services.

Inventories must be valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value.

Net realisable value is the estimated sales price in the normal course of business activity less• Estimated costs of completion;• Costs required for making the sale.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:Inventories are valued according to the weighted average unit cost method.


Standard:A lease is an agreement by which the Lessor transfers to the Lessee for a specific period of time the right to use an asset in exchange for payment or a series of payments.

Distinction must be made between:• A finance lease, which is a contract by which almost all the risks and

benefits inherent in ownership of the asset are transferred to the lessee;• An operating lease, which is any contract other than a finance lease.

Finance leases are financial instruments whose nominal value relates to the value of the property acquired/leased minus/plus fees paid/received and any other fees. The rate used in this case is the effective interest rate.

The effective interest rate is the discount rate which is used to equate:• The net present value of minimum payments to be received by the

Lessor plus the non-guaranteed residual value; and• The property’s entry value (equal to initial fair value plus initial direct


Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:No restatement is needed for operating leases for a specific period and which are automatically renewable.

Long-term rental contracts are considered as operating leases.

Leasing contracts are finance leases in which Attijariwafa bank is the Lessor. The Bank only accounts for its share of the contract in its financial statements.

At the beginning of the contract, rents relating to lease contracts for an indefinite period and leasing contracts are discounted using the effective interest rate. Their value relates to the initial financing amount.

Financial assets and liabilities (loans, borrowings & deposits):Standard:

Loans and receivablesThe amortised cost of a financial asset or liability relates to the value at which the instrument has been initially valued:

• Less any repayment of principal;

• Plus or minus accumulated amortisation calculated using the effective interest rate on any difference between the initial amount and the amount to be repaid at maturity;

• Less any reductions for impairment or non-recoverability.

This calculation must include all fees and amounts paid or received directly attributable to the loans, transaction costs and any discount or premium.

Provisions for loan impairmentA provision is booked when there is any indication of impairment to loans and receivables.

Provisions are determined on the basis of the difference between the loan's net carrying amount and its estimated recoverable amount.

Impairment is applied on an individual or collective basis.

Provision for impairment on an individual basis:

In the case of a loan in arrears, losses are determined on the basis of the net present value of future estimated flows, discounted using the loan’s initial effective interest rate. Future flows include the value of guarantees received and recovery costs.

In the case of a loan which is not in arrears but for which indications of impairment are indicating forthcoming difficulties, the Group may use empirical tables of comparable losses to estimate and adjust future flows.

Provision for impairment on a collective basis:

If an individual loan impairment test does not produce any indications of impairment, then the loans are classified in groups with similar credit risk profiles before undergoing a collective impairment test.

Borrowings and deposits:

When initially recognised, a deposit or borrowing classified under IFRS in “Other financial liabilities” must be initially measured in the balance sheet at fair value plus or minus:• transaction costs (these are external acquisition costs directly attributable

to the transaction) ;• fees received constituting professional fees that represent an integral

part of the effective rate of return on the deposit or borrowing.

Deposits and borrowings classified under IFRS as “Other financial liabilities” are subsequently measured at the end of the reporting period at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method (actuarial rate).

Deposits classified under IFRS as “Liabilities held for trading” are subsequently measured at fair value at the end of the reporting period. The fair value of the deposit is calculated excluding accrued interest.

A deposit or borrowing may be the host contract for an embedded derivative. In certain circ*mstances, the embedded derivative must be separated from the host contract and recognised in accordance with the principles applicable to derivatives. This analysis must be done at the inception of the contract on the basis of the contractual provisions.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (11)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201711

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:Loans and receivablesThe Group’s policy is to apply the cost model to all loans maturing in more than one year as a function of their size. Loans maturing in less than one year are recorded at historical cost.

Provisions for loan impairment:The criteria proposed by Bank Al Maghrib in Circular N°19/G/2002 form the basis of the Group’s provisioning policy regarding impairment on an individual basis.

The basis for provisioning for impairment on a collective basis has been adapted as a function of each Group entity’s activity and also relates to healthy loans.

Specific provisions:

Attijariwafa bank has developed statistical models, specific to eachof the relevant entities, to calculate specific provisions based on:• Historical data relating to recovery of non-performing loans;• Information about non-recurring loans available to loan recovery units

for relatively significant amounts;• Guarantees and pledges held.

Collective provisions:

Attijariwafa bank has developed statistical models, specific to each relevant entity, to calculate collective provisions based on historical data relating to loan deterioration – healthy loans becoming non-performing loans.

Borrowings:Borrowings and deposits are classified under different categories including « Financial liabilities », « Trading liabilities » and « Liabilities accounted for under the fair value option ».


Sight deposits:

Attijariwafa bank applies IAS39 §49 standard to sight deposits. The fair value of a sight deposit cannot be lower than the amount due on demand. It is discounted from the first date on which the repayment may be demanded.

Interest-bearing deposits:

• Deposits bearing interest at market rates – the fair value is the nominal value unless transaction costs are significant.

A historical record of 10-year bond yields needs to be kept to be able to justify that the rates correspond to the original market rates.• Deposits bearing interest at non-market rates – the fair value is the

nominal value plus a discount.

Savings book deposits:

The rate applied is regulated for the vast majority of credit institutions.

Accordingly, no specific accounting treatment is required for savings book deposits.

Deposits must be classified under the «Other liabilities » category.


The IAS 39 standard defines four asset categories applicable to securities:• Trading securities (financial assets held at fair value through income);• Available-for-sale financial assets;• Held-to-maturity investments;• Loans and receivables, (includes financial assets not quoted on an active

market which are purchased directly from the issuer).

The securities are classified depending on the purpose for which they are held.

Trading portfolio securities : financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss at inceptionAccording to IAS 39.9, financial assets or liabilities held at fair value through income are assets or liabilities acquired or generated by the company for the primary purpose of making a profit from short-term price fluctuations or from arbitrage activities.

All derivative instruments are recognised as financial assets (or liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss except when they are used for hedging purposes.

Securities classified as financial assets held at fair value through income are recognised in the income statement.

This category of security is not subject to impairment.

Available-for-sale financial assetsThis category includes available-for-sale securities, investment securities and investments in non-consolidated affiliates and other long-term investments.

The standard stipulates that those assets and liabilities which do not satisfy the criteria for the three other asset categories are included in this category.

Changes in the fair value of available-for-sale securities (positive or negative) are recognised directly in equity (transferable equity). The amortisation of any possible premium/discount of fixed income securities is recognised in the income statement using to effective interest rate method (actuarial method).

On any indication of significant or lasting impairment in the case of equity securities and the occurrence of credit risk for debt securities, the unrealised loss that was recognised in equity must be removed and recognised in the income statement.

On subsequent improvement, a write-back may be booked against the provision for impairment in the case of debt securities but not so for equity securities. In the latter case, a positive change in fair value is recognised in transferable equity and a negative change in equity.

Held-to-maturity investmentsThis category includes securities with fixed or determinable payments that the Group intends to keep until maturity.

Classifying securities in this category entails an obligation not to dispose of the securities before maturity. If an entity sells a held-to-maturity security before maturity, all of its other held to-maturity investments must be reclassified as available-for sale investments for the current and next two reporting years.

Held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortised cost with the premium/discount being amortised using the effective interest rate method (actuarial method).

On any indication of impairment, a provision must be booked for the difference between the carrying amount and the estimated recoverable value. The estimated recoverable value is the net present value of future estimated flows, discounted using the loan’s initial effective interest rate.

On subsequent improvement, a write-back may be booked against the provision for impairment.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (12)

Loans and receivablesThe «Loans and receivables category » includes unquoted financial assets which are not intended to be sold and which the institution intends to keep for the long term.

Loans and receivables are recognised at amortised cost, using the effective interest rate method and restated for any possible impairment provisions.

On any indication of impairment, a provision must be booked for the difference between the carrying amount and the estimated recoverable value.

On subsequent improvement, a write-back may be booked against the provision for impairment.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bankPortfolio classification

Attijariwafa bank and other entities excluding insurance companies

The instruments held in portfolios are currently classified in the following categories:

HFT AFS HTM Loans and

• Trading and dealing Room portfolios

• Negotiable treasury bills classified in the Investment Portfolio

• Bonds and other negotiable debt securities

• Long-term investments

• Treasury Bills

• CAM bonds;• CIH bonds;

Securities lending/borrowing and repurchase agreementsSecurities temporarily sold under repurchase agreements continue to be recognised in the Group’s balance sheet in the category of securities to which they belong. The corresponding liability is recognised under the appropriate debt category except in the case of repurchase agreements contracted by the Group for trading purposes where the corresponding liability is recognised under “Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss”. Securities temporarily acquired under reverse repurchase agreements are not recognised in the Group’s balance sheet. The corresponding receivable is recognised under “Loans and receivables” except in the case of reverse repurchase agreements contracted by the Group for trading purposes, where the corresponding receivable is recognised under “Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss”.

Treasury sharesThe term “treasury shares” refers to shares issued by the consolidating company, Attijariwafa bank. Treasury shares held by the Group are deducted from consolidated shareholders’ equity. Gains and losses arising on such instruments are also eliminated from the consolidated profit and loss account.


A derivative is a financial instrument or another contract included in IAS 39’s scope of application which meets the following three criteria:

• Its value changes in response to a change in a variable such as specified interest rate, the price of a financial instrument, a price, index or yield benchmark, a credit rating, a credit index or any other variable, provided that in the case of a non-financial variable, the variable must not be specific to any one party to the contract (sometimes known as «the underlying »);

• Requires no initial investment or one that is smaller than would be required for a contract having a similar reaction to changes in market conditions; and

• Is settled at a future data.

A hedging instrument is a designated derivative or, in the case of a hedge for foreign exchange risk only, a non-derivative designated financial asset or liability. The latter’s fair value or cash flows are intended to offset variations in the fair value or cash flows of the designated hedged item.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bankAttijariwafa bank does not currently use derivatives for hedging purposes and is not therefore subject to provisions applicable to hedge accounting.

All other transactions involving the use of derivatives are recognised as assets/liabilities at fair value through income.

Embedded derivativesStandard:An embedded derivative is a feature within a financial contract whose purpose its to vary a part of the transaction’s cash flows in a similar way to that of a stand-alone derivative.

The IAS 39 standard defines a hybrid contract as a contract comprising a host contract and an embedded derivative.

IAS 39 requires that an embedded derivative is separated from its host contract and accounted for as a derivative when the following three conditions are met:

• The hybrid contract is not recognised at fair value;

• Separated from the host contract, the embedded derivative possesses the same characteristics as a derivative;

• The characteristics of the embedded derivative are not closely related to those of the host contract.

IAS 39 recommends that the host contract is valued at inception by taking the difference between the fair value of the hybrid contract (i.e. at cost) and the fair value of the embedded derivative.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bankIf there is a material impact from measuring embedded derivatives at fair value, then they are recognised under «Financial assets held at fair value through income ».

Fair value:IFRS 13 defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction in a principal market (or the most advantageous market) at the measurement date based on current market conditions (i.e. an exit price) providing that this price was directly observable or estimated by using an appropriate valuation technique.

IFRS 13 uses a 'fair value hierarchy' which categorises the inputs used in valuation techniques into three levels in order to determine fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to (unadjusted) quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 inputs) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 inputs).

Level 1 inputsLevel 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date. A quoted market price in an active market provides the most reliable evidence of fair value and is used without adjustment to measure fair value whenever available, with limited exceptions (§ 79).

Level 2 inputs

Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted market prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly.

If the asset or liability has a specified maturity (contractual), a Level 2 input must be observable for almost the entire life of the asset or liability. Level 2 inputs include:

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Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201713

• Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets;

• Quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active;

• Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, for example, interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals, implied volatilities, credit spreads.

Adjustments to Level 2 inputs will vary depending on factors specific to the asset or liability. Those factors include the following: the state or location of the asset, the extent to which inputs relate to items that are comparable to the asset or liability, as well as the volume and the level of activity in the markets within which the inputs are observed.

An adjustment to a Level 2 input that is significant to the entire measurement might result in a fair value measurement categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy if the adjustment uses significant unobservable inputs.

Level 3 inputs

Level 3 inputs inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. Unobservable inputs must be used to measure fair value to the extent that relevant observable inputs are not available, thereby allowing for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability at the measurement date. However, the fair value measurement objective remains the same, i.e. an exit price at the measurement date from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset or owes the liability. Therefore, unobservable inputs shall reflect the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability, including assumptions about risk.

Market value is determined by the Group:

• Either from quoted market prices in an active market;

• Or by using a valuation technique based on mathematical models derived from recognised financial theories, which makes maximum use of market inputs.

➥ Case 1: Instruments traded on active marketsQuoted market prices on active markets are the best evidence of fair value and should be used, where they exist, to measure the financial instrument. Listed securities and derivatives such as futures and options, which are traded on organised markets, are valued in this way. The majority of over-the-counter derivatives, such as plain vanilla swaps and options, are traded on active markets. They are valued using widely-accepted models (discounted cash flow model, Black and Scholes model and interpolation techniques) and based on quoted market prices of similar or underlying instruments.

➥ Case 2: Instruments traded on inactive marketsInstruments traded on an inactive market are valued using an internal model based on directly observable or deduced market data.

Certain financial instruments, although not traded on active markets, are valued using methods based on directly observable market data.

Observable market data may include yield curves, implied volatility ranges for options, default rates and loss assumptions obtained by market consensus or from active over-the-counter markets.


Insurance contracts:The main provisions for insurance contracts are summarised below:• May continue to recognise these contracts in accordance with current

accounting policies by making a distinction between three types of contract under IFRS 4:

1. Pure insurance contracts;

2. Financial contracts comprising a discretionary participation feature;

3. And liabilities relating to other financial contracts, in accordance with IAS 39, which are recorded under «Amounts owing to customers ».

• Requires that embedded derivatives, which do not benefit from exempt status under IFRS 4, are accounted for separately and recognised at fair value through income;

• Requires a test for the adequacy of recognised insurance liabilities and an impairment test for reinsurance assets;

• A reinsurance cession asset is amortised, by recognising this impairment through income, when and only when:

- Tangible evidence exists, following the occurrence of an event after initial recognition of the asset in respect of reinsurance cessions, resulting in the cedant not receiving all its contractual cash flows;

- This event has an impact, which may be accurately assessed, on the amount which the reinsurer is expected to receive from the primary insurer.

• Requires an insurer to keep insurance liabilities on its balance sheet until they are discharged, cancelled, or expire and prohibits offsetting insurance liabilities against related reinsurance assets;

• Requires that a new insurance liability is recorded in accordance with IFRS 4 «Shadow accounting » in respect of policyholders’ deferred participation in profits which represents the portion of unrealised capital gains on financial assets to which policyholders are entitled, in accordance with IAS 39.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:

Insurance contracts:A liability adequacy test has already been carried out by Wafa Assurance, which appointed an external firm of actuaries to assess its technical reserves.

The provision for fluctuations in claims relating to non-life insurance contracts is to be cancelled.

Investment-linked insurance:

Wafa AssuranceThe instruments held in portfolios are currently classified in the following categories:

HFT AFS HTM Loans & receivables

• Portfolio of consolidated UCITS

• Shares and other equity

• Investments in SCIs (Panorama) ;

• Treasury bills and unquoted debt instruments.

• Not applicable

• Long-term investments

Liabilities provisions:Standard:A provision must be booked when :

• the company has a present obligation (legal or implicit) resulting from a past event.

• it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation ; and

• the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated.

If these conditions are not satisfied, no provision may be recognised.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (14)

Under IFRS, when the outflow of expected future economic benefits exceeds one year, it is compulsory to discount the provisions for risks and charges.

Except in the case of combinations, contingent liabilities are not provisioned. When the contingent liability or asset is material, it is compulsory to mention it in the notes to the financial statements.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank: The Group has analysed all its general provisions and:

• How they are matched to inherent risks;

• Has reviewed how they are measured and booked under IFRS.

Current & deferred taxation:Standard:

A deferred tax asset or liability is recognised each time that the recovery or payment of an asset or liability’s carrying amount will result in an increase or reduction in future tax payments compared to what they would have been previously.

A company will most likely be able to offset a deductible temporary difference against taxable income:

• If it has sufficient taxable temporary differences within the remit of the same tax authority and in relation to the same entity;

• If the company is likely to generate sufficient profit within the remit of the same tax authority and in relation to the same entity;

• Tax management allows it the opportunity to generate taxable income in the related periods.

Deferred taxes may not be amortised under IFRS.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:Assessing the probability of generating future taxable income:

Deferred tax assets are not recognised unless it is probable that future taxable income will be generated. This probability can be ascertained by the business projections of the companies in question.

Accounting for deferred tax liabilities in respect of temporary differences relating to intangible assets resulting from business combinations:

A deferred tax liability is recognised for goodwill relating to intangible assets resulting from business combinations even if these intangible assets have an indefinite life.

Accounting for deferred tax assets in respect of deductible temporary differences relating to consolidated investments in affiliates:

A deferred tax asset must be recognised in respect of deductible temporary differences relating to consolidated investments in affiliates when these temporary differences are likely to be resolved in the foreseeable future and when it is probable that taxable profit will be generated.

Possibility of revising Goodwill if a deferred tax asset is identified after the regularisation period allowed under IFRS:

A deferred tax asset, which is not identifiable at the time of acquisition but recognised subsequently, is recognised through consolidated income and Goodwill is restated retrospectively even after the regularisation period expires. The impact of this revision is also recognised through consolidated income.

Deferred taxes recognised initially in equity:

The impact of changes to tax rates and/or tax rules is recognised in equity.

Employee benefitsStandard:

The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment and disclosure for employee benefits. This Standard shall be applied by an employer in accounting for all employee benefits, except those to which IFRS 2 “Share-based Payment” applies. These benefits include those provided:

- Under formal plans or other formal agreements between an entity and individual employees, groups of employees or their representatives;

- Under legislative requirements, or through industry arrangements, whereby entities are required to contribute to national, state, industry or other multi-employer plans; or

- By those informal practices that give rise to a constructive obligation and those where the entity has no realistic alternative but to pay employee benefits.

Employee benefits are contingent considerations of any type provided by an entity for services rendered by members of staff or in the event that their employment is terminated. They comprise 4 categories:

Short-term benefits:

Are employee benefits (other than termination benefits), that are expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related services e.g. wages, salaries and social security contributions; paid annual leave and paid sick leave; profit-sharing and bonuses etc.

When an employee has rendered service to an entity during an accounting period, the entity shall recognise the undiscounted amount of short-term employee benefits expected to be paid in exchange for that service:

• As a liability, after deducting any amount already paid, if applicable; or

• As an expense.

Post-employment benefits:

These are employee benefits which are payable post-employment e.g. retirement benefits, post-employment life insurance and post-employment medical care.

Distinction is made between two types of post-retirement benefit plan:

1. Defined contribution plans: an entity pays defined contributions into a fund and has no other legal or constructive obligation to pay additional contributions if the fund does not have sufficient assets to meet expected benefits relating to services rendered by staff. As a result, actuarial risk and investment risk fall on the employee.

Accounting for defined contribution plans is straightforward because no actuarial assumptions are required to measure the obligation or the expense and there is no possibility of any actuarial gain or loss.

The entity shall recognise the contribution payable to a defined contribution plan in exchange for the service rendered by an employee: - As a liability, after deducting any amount already paid, if applicable; or- As an expense.

2. Defined benefit plans: the entity’s obligation is to provide the agreed benefits to current and former employees As a result, actuarial risk and investment risk fall on the employee.

Accounting for defined benefit plans is quite complex due to the fact that actuarial assumptions are required to measure the obligation and there is a possibility of an actuarial gain or loss. In addition, the obligations are discounted to their present value as they may be paid several years after the employee has rendered the corresponding service.

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Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201715

A multi-employer plan which is neither a general plan nor a compulsory plan must be recognised by the company as either a defined contribution plan or a defined benefit plan depending on the characteristics of the plan.

Other long-term employee benefits:

Other long-term employee benefits include long-term paid absences, such as long-service or sabbatical leave. They also include jubilee or other long-service benefits such wissam schoghl, long-term disability benefits, profit-sharing, bonuses and deferred remuneration if not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period.

In general, the measurement of other long-term employee benefits is usually not subject to the same degree of uncertainty as the measurement of defined benefit plans. Therefore, this standard provides a simplified method which does not recognise re-measurements in other comprehensive income.

Termination benefits:

Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result of either an entity’s decision to terminate an employee’s employment before the normal retirement date or an employee’s decision to accept voluntary redundancy in exchange for those benefits.

The entity should recognise a liability and expense for termination benefits at the earlier of the following two dates:

- The date after which it may no longer withdraw its benefits;

- The date at which it recognises the costs of restructuring as required by IAS 37 and envisages the payment of related benefits.

In the case of termination benefits payable following an entity’s decision to terminate the employment of an employee, the entity may no longer withdraw its offer of benefits once it has informed the employees in question of the termination plan, which should satisfy the following criteria:

- The measures required to successfully execute the plan would suggest that is it unlikely that major changes would be made to the plan;

- The plan identifies the number of employees to be terminated, the job classifications or functions that will be affected and their locations and when the terminations are expected to occur;

- The plan establishes the terms of the termination benefits in sufficient detail to enable employees to determine the type and amount of benefits they will receive if they are involuntarily terminated.

Measuring obligations:


Accounting for defined benefit plans requires the use of actuarial techniques to reliably estimate the benefits accruing to employees in consideration for current and past service rendered.

This requires estimating the benefits, demographic variables such as mortality rates and staff turnover, financial variables such as the discount rate and future salary increases that will affect the cost of benefits.

The recommended method under IAS 19 is the “projected unit credit method”.

This amounts to recognising, on the date that the obligation is calculated, an obligation equal to the probable present value of the estimated benefits multiplied by the length of service at the calculation date and at the retirement date.

The obligation can be considered as accruing pro-rata to the employee’s length of service. As a result, an employee’s entitlement is calculated on the basis of length of service and estimated salary at the retirement date.

Policies adopted by Attijariwafa bank:Attijariwafa bank has opted for a defined contribution retirement benefits plan. Accordingly, no specific accounting treatment is required under IFRS.

In the case of post-employment medical cover, Attijariwafa bank does not have sufficient information to be able to account for its medical cover as a defined benefit plan.

The Group, on the other hand, has booked specific provisions for liabilities to employees including end-of-career bonuses and service awards (Ouissam Achoughl).

Share-based paymentsShare-based payments are payments based on shares issued by the Group. The payments are made either in the form of shares or in cash for amounts based on the value of the Group’s shares.

Examples of share-based payments include stock options or employee share plans.

Under the subscription terms, employees may subscribe for shares at a discount to the current market price over a specified period. The inaccessibility period is taken into consideration when expensing this benefit.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (16)

CONSOLIDATED IFRS BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

ASSETS (under IFRS) Notes 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Cash and balances with central banks. the Treasury and post office accounts 18 224 849 14 141 202 Financial assets at fair value through income 2.1 65 875 084 50 454 731 Derivative hedging instruments - - Available-for-sale financial assets 2.2 39 266 654 35 701 001 loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments 2.3 25 304 396 22 625 866 loans and advances to customers 2.4 285 995 046 271 627 179 interest rate hedging reserve - - held-to-maturity investments 8 746 253 8 015 501 Current tax assets 123 659 39 319 Deferred tax assets 636 262 539 849 Other assets 8 674 655 7 585 194 Participations of insured parties in differed profits 2.2 2 672 478 2 066 502 Non-current assets held for sale 114 322 87 538 Investments in companies accounted for under the equity method 106 949 94 908 Investment property 2 247 468 2 020 107 Property. plant and equipment 2.5 5 550 721 5 428 512 Intangible assets 2.5 2 125 180 1 683 656 goodwill 2.6 9 996 150 6 655 000

TOTAL ASSETS 475 660 126 428 766 067

LIABILITIES (under IFRS) Notes 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Amounts owing to central banks. the Treasury and post office accounts 97 064 160 715 Financial liabilities at fair value through income 2.7 716 739 1 033 814 Derivative hedging instruments - - Amounts owing to credit institutions and similar establishments 2.8 37 651 602 28 282 255 Customer deposits 2.9 316 210 403 286 264 527 Debt securities issued 11 120 406 11 243 383 Interest rate hedging reserve - - Current tax liabilities 613 644 709 425 Deferred tax liabilities 2 576 416 2 340 944 Other liabilities 10 728 982 9 881 260 Liabilities related to non-current assets held for sale - - Insurance companies' technical reserves 28 634 562 25 960 939 General provisions 2.10 1 734 104 1 771 087 Subsidies. public funds and special guarantee funds 129 252 141 392 Subordinated debt 14 645 903 13 565 244 Share capital and related reserves 10 151 765 10 151 765 Consolidated reserves 33 246 804 30 861 381 - Group share 27 337 070 25 059 651 - Minority interests 5 909 734 5 801 729 Unrealised deferred capital gains or losses, Group share 818 514 744 812 Net income for the financial year 6 583 965 5 653 125 - Group share 5 390 902 4 757 421 - Minority interests 1 193 064 895 705

TOTAL LIABILITIES 475 660 126 428 766 067

Consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2017FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


12/31/2017 12/31/2016

NET INCOME 6 583 965 5 653 125 Asset and liability variations directly recorded in shareholders equity 192 397 405 264 Translation gains or losses -36 735 -368 393 Variation in value of financial assets available for sale 233 525 785 239 Revaluation of fixed assetsVariations in differed value of derivative coverage instrumentsItems regarding enterprises by equity method -4 392 -11 582

Total 6 776 362 6 058 390 Group share 5 467 743 4 399 551 Minority interest share 1 308 618 1 658 839

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (17)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201717




Reserves (related to

share capital)




Reserves and consolidated



total assets and liabilities

entered directly in

capital (5)

Share- holders equity group



Minority interests




Shareholders' equity at 31 december 2015 2 035 272 8 116 493 -2 050 326 28 339 501 504 600 36 945 541 4 283 617 41 229 157 Effect of changes to accounting policiesShareholders' equity restated at 31 december 2015 2 035 272 8 116 493 -2 050 326 28 339 501 504 600 36 945 541 4 283 617 41 229 157 Transactions related to share capital - 3 545 524 3 545 524 3 560 431 7 105 955 Share-based payments - - Transactions related to treasury stock - - Dividends -2 213 127 -2 213 127 -3 466 791 -5 679 918 Net income 4 757 421 4 757 421 895 705 5 653 125 Variations in assets and liabilities recorded directly in shareholders’ equity (C) -126 541 -126 541 911 780 785 239

Translation gains and losses (D) -219 748 -219 748 -148 645 -368 393 Total assets and liabilities entered directly in capital (C)+(D) - - - - -346 288 -346 288 763 135 416 846 Other variations -432 988 -1 542 433 -1 975 421 661 339 -1 314 082 Perimeter variation - - Shareholders' equity at 31 december 2016 2 035 272 8 116 493 -2 483 314 32 886 886 158 312 40 713 649 6 697 435 47 411 083 Effect of changes to accounting policiesShareholders' equity restated at 31 december 2016 2 035 272 8 116 493 -2 483 314 32 886 886 158 312 40 713 649 6 697 435 47 411 083 Transactions related to share capital - 2 131 187 2 131 187 201 748 2 332 936 Share-based payments - - Transactions related to treasury stock - - Dividends -2 496 116 -2 496 116 -727 682 -3 223 799 Net income for the period 5 390 902 5 390 902 1 193 064 6 583 965 Total assets and liabilities entered directly in capital (C) 73 703 73 703 159 822 233 525

Variations in assets and liabilities recorded directly in shareholders’ equity (D) 7 532 7 532 -44 267 -36 735

Latent or differed gains or losses (C)+(D) - - - - 81 235 81 235 115 555 196 790 Other variations 22 185 -2 183 328 -2 161 142 -377 320 -2 538 463 Changes in scope of consolidation 38 534 38 534 38 534 Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2017 2 035 272 8 116 493 -2 461 129 35 768 066 239 546 43 698 251 7 102 798 50 801 049


Notes 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

interest and similar income 3.1 18 819 180 17 117 126 interest and similar expenses 3.1 5 910 854 5 504 228 NET INTEREST MARGIN 12 908 326 11 612 899 Fees received 3.2 5 405 347 4 991 813 Fees paid 3.2 618 350 573 539 NET FEE INCOME 4 786 997 4 418 274 Net gains or losses on financial instruments at fair value through income 3 329 684 3 063 010 Net gains or losses on available-for-sale financial assets 576 110 347 472 INCOME FROM MARKET ACTIVITIES 3 905 794 3 410 482 income from other activities 7 925 769 7 174 835 Expenses on other activities 7 882 109 6 943 163 NET BANKING INCOME 21 644 776 19 673 327 general operating expenses 9 043 552 8 246 893 Depreciation, amortisation and provisions 937 293 896 005GROSS OPERATING INCOME 11 663 931 10 530 429 Cost of risk 3.3 -2 168 124 -2 001 359 OPERATING INCOME 9 495 808 8 529 070 Net income from companies accounted for under the equity method 16 488 3 538 Net gains or losses on other assets 23 361 54 596 Changes in value of goodwill - -

PRE-TAX INCOME 9 535 657 8 587 204 income tax 2 951 691 2 934 078 NET INCOME 6 583 965 5 653 125 Minority interests 1 193 064 895 705 NET INCOME GROUP SHARE 5 390 902 4 757 421 Earnings per share (in dirhams) 26,49 23,37 Dividend per share (in dirhams) 26,49 23,37

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (18)

Financial assets held for trading

Financial assets at fair value through income

Loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishmentsLoans and advances to customersFinancial assets held as guarantee for unit-linked policiesSecurities received under repo agreements -

Treasury notes and similar securities 41 505 889 Bonds and other fixed income securities 6 259 175

· listed securities -

· unlisted securities 6 259 175 Shares and other equity securities 17 572 438

· listed securities 17 572 438 · unlisted securities

Derivative instruments 422 703 Related loans 114 879 Fair value on the balance sheet 65 875 084

2.1 Financial assets at fair value through income at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Securities valued at fair value· treasury notes and similar securities 11 254 329 9 883 761 · Bonds and other fixed income securities 14 923 895 14 109 426

· listed securities 9 700 340 9 282 366 · unlisted securities 5 223 555 4 827 060

· Shares and other equity securities 7 735 522 5 371 761 · listed securities 4 345 733 3 461 578 · unlisted securities 3 389 789 1 910 183

· Securities in non-consolidated affiliates 8 025 385 8 402 556 total available-for-sale securities 41 939 132 37 767 504

2.2 Available-for-sale financial assets at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Available-for-sale financial assets held by Wafa Assurance totalled MAD 21,073 millions at the end of December 2017 vs. MAD 19,520 millions at the end of December 2016.

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Pre-tax income 9 535 657 8 587 204+/- Net depreciation and amortisation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 1 139 901 1 045 487+/- Net impairment of goodwill and other fixed assets - +/- Net amortisation of financial assets - 2 387+/- Net provisions 2 265 863 2 016 267+/- Net income from companies accounted for under the equity method -16 488 -3 538+/- Net gain/loss from investment activities -253 717 -541 050+/- Net gain/loss from financing activities - +/- Other movements -617 020 5 360Total non-cash items included in pre-tax income and other adjustments 2 518 538 2 524 912+/- Flows relating to transactions with credit institutions and similar establishments 3 619 843 7 729 733+/- Flows relating to transactions with customers 15 240 710 -6 982 931+/- Flows relating to other transactions affecting financial assets or liabilities -17 608 708 7 365 147+/- Flows relating to other transactions affecting non-financial assets or liabilities - - taxes paid -2 765 681 -2 750 907Net increase/decrease in operating assets and liabilities -1 513 836 5 361 042Net cash flow from operating activities 10 540 358 16 473 158+/- Flows relating to financial assets and investments -5 430 006 5 152 260+/- Flows relating to investment property -284 307 -144 184+/- Flows relating to plant, property and equipment and intangible assets -1 114 531 -450 941Net cash flow from investment activities -6 828 844 4 557 134+/- Cash flows from or to shareholders -3 223 799 -5 679 918+/- Other net cash flows from financing activities 992 389 -261 530Net cash flow from financing activities -2 231 410 -5 941 448Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents -409 879 -235 183Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1 070 225 14 853 662

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 13 856 375 -997 287Net cash balance (assets and liabilities) with central banks, the treasury and post office accounts 13 980 487 12 415 251Inter-bank balances with credit institutions and similar establishments -124 113 -13 412 538Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 14 926 600 13 856 375Net cash balance (assets and liabilities) with central banks, the treasury and post office accounts 18 127 784 13 980 487Inter-bank balances with credit institutions and similar establishments -3 201 184 -124 113Net change in cash and cash equivalents 1 070 225 14 853 662

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (19)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201719

2.4.1 Loans and advances to customers at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Transactions with customersCommercial loans 40 871 259 38 769 623Other loans and advances to customers 217 619 126 200 851 839Securities received under repo agreements 11 892 215 441Current accounts in debit 21 779 484 26 930 436Total principal 280 281 761 266 767 340Related loans 1 911 249 1 761 434Provisions 15 278 848 14 142 848Net value 266 914 162 254 385 926

Leasing activitiesProperty leasing 3 365 372 3 280 267Leasing of movable property, long-term rental and similar activities 16 192 412 14 381 463Total principal 19 557 784 17 661 729Related loans 907 6 063Provisions 477 808 426 539Net value 19 080 884 17 241 253

Total 285 995 046 271 627 179

2.4 Loans and advances to customers

12/31/2017 12/31/2016



outstandingsindividual provisions

collective provisions

healthy outstandings

impaired outstandings

individual provisions

collective provisions

Morocco 210 763 273 14 749 108 8 713 008 1 945 363 203 212 978 14 876 802 8 623 017 1 618 762North Africa 28 089 786 1 471 420 966 678 169 767 21 994 679 1 405 781 880 108 104 846WAEMU Zone 26 773 097 3 718 964 2 621 833 316 281 25 425 513 3 082 621 2 242 304 325 556EMCCA Zone 13 009 282 1 029 564 787 843 225 946 12 584 876 748 883 598 480 166 264Europe 185 973 11 230 9 887 - 720 966 10 930 10 024 - Others 37 797 50 49 - 365 002 39 25 - Total principal 278 859 209 20 980 336 13 099 299 2 657 357 264 304 014 20 125 055 12 353 958 2 215 429Related loans 1 912 156 1 767 497Net value on the balance sheet 280 771 365 20 980 336 13 099 299 2 657 357 266 071 511 20 125 055 12 353 958 2 215 429

2.4.2 Loans and advances to customers by geographical area at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

2.3 Loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Credit institutionsAccounts and loans 24 504 119 19 771 940Securities received under repo agreements - 2 601 966Subordinated loans 2 283 6 128Other loans and advances 686 020 156 761Total principal 25 192 423 22 536 795Related loans 135 966 111 954Provisions 23 994 22 883Net value 25 304 396 22 625 866

Internal operationsRegular accounts 4 337 223 4 336 842Accounts and long-term advances 25 219 233 30 257 528Related loans 116 319 238 458

2.3.1 Loans and advances to credit institutions at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Morocco 8 491 775 12 678 146North Africa 4 199 099 1 433 264WAEMU Zone 1 564 873 1 986 939EMCCA Zone 1 208 526 1 278 618Europe 4 053 887 2 270 922Others 5 674 263 2 888 906Total principal 25 192 423 22 536 795Related loans 135 966 111 954Provisions 23 994 22 883Net value on the balance sheet 25 304 396 22 625 866

2.3.2 Breakdown of loans and advances to credit institutions by geographical area at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (20)

2.7 Financial liabilities at fair value through income at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Securities pledged under repo agreements 291 038 180 037Derivative instruments 425 701 853 777Fair value on the balance sheet 716 739 1 033 814

2.9 Amounts owing to customers at 31 December 20172.9.1 Amounts owing to customers (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Ordinary creditor accounts 226 664 757 206 289 781 Savings accounts 65 232 537 60 035 289 Other amounts owing to customers 17 637 538 16 967 469 Securities pledged under repo agreements 5 739 521 1 963 540 Total principal 315 274 353 285 256 078 Related debt 936 050 1 008 449 Value on the balance sheet 316 210 403 286 264 527

2.8 Amounts owing to credit institutions at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Credit institutions Accounts and borrowings 18 024 326 17 845 337Securities pledged under repo agreement 19 551 878 10 374 681Total 37 576 203 28 220 019Related debt 75 399 62 237Value on the balance sheet 37 651 602 28 282 255

Internal group operationsCurrent accounts in credit 3 017 060 2 997 242Accounts and long-term advances 25 654 975 31 532 745Related debt 147 502 149 019

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Gross valueAccumulated amortisation

and impairmentNet value Gross value

Accumulated amortisation

and impairmentNet value

Land and buildings 3 178 977 1 344 777 1 834 200 3 152 051 1 250 430 1 901 621Movable property and equipment 3 465 735 2 845 848 619 887 3 264 512 2 556 035 708 477Leased movable property 646 023 245 949 400 074 577 741 236 197 341 544Other property, plant and equipment 6 145 818 3 449 258 2 696 561 5 583 602 3 106 732 2 476 870Total property, plant and equipment 13 436 552 7 885 831 5 550 721 12 577 907 7 149 395 5 428 512It software acquired 3 301 645 2 117 298 1 184 347 2 937 827 1 922 763 1 015 064Other intangible assets 1 491 049 550 216 940 833 1 195 376 526 784 668 592Total intangible assets 4 792 695 2 667 514 2 125 180 4 133 203 2 449 547 1 683 656

2.5 Plant, property and equipment and intangible assets at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2016 Perimeter variation Translation gains and losses Other movements 12/31/2017

Gross value 6 655 000 3 235 866 105 284 9 996 150 Accumulated amortisation and impairmentNet value on the balance sheet 6 655 000 3 235 866 105 284 - 9 996 150

2.6 Goodwill at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

2.9.2 Breakdown of amounts owing to customers by geographical area at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Morocco 229 791 216 211 706 201 North Africa 34 069 614 25 275 071 WAEMU Zone 30 228 060 28 080 786 EMCCA Zone 16 425 640 15 386 565 Europe 4 743 864 4 598 965Other 15 960 208 490Total principal 315 274 353 285 256 078 Related debt 936 050 1 008 449 Value on the balance sheet 316 210 403 286 264 527

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (21)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201721

Stock at 12/31/2016

Changein scope

Additional provisions

Write-backs used

Write-backsnot used


Stock at 12/31/2017

Provisions for risks in executing signature loans 132 624 19 753 47 608 2 846 107 615

Provisions for social benefit liabilities 500 446 85 988 59 533 -3 160 523 741 Other general provisions 1 138 017 46 758 315 256 28 529 368 796 41 1 102 748 General provisions 1 771 087 46 758 420 997 88 062 416 403 -273 1 734 104

2.10 General provisions at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Income Expenses Net Income Expenses Net

Transactions with customers 16 107 876 3 678 349 12 429 528 14 938 444 3 552 917 11 385 527Accounts and loans/borrowings 15 106 788 3 528 175 11 578 613 13 970 399 3 424 520 10 545 879Repurchase agreements 1 399 150 174 -148 775 1 789 128 397 -126 608Leasing activities 999 689 999 689 966 256 966 256Inter-bank transactions 652 094 1 192 819 -540 725 565 576 929 273 -363 697Accounts and loans/borrowings 652 094 1 100 354 -448 260 564 752 788 160 -223 408Repurchase agreements - 92 466 -92 466 824 141 113 -140 289Debt issued by the group - 1 039 686 -1 039 686 1 022 038 -1 022 038

Available-for-sale assets 2 059 209 - 2 059 209 1 613 107 1 613 107

Total net interest income 18 819 180 5 910 854 12 908 326 17 117 126 5 504 228 11 612 899

3.1 Net interest margin at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Income Expenses Net

Net fees on transactions 2 383 120 89 158 2 293 962 With credit institutions 146 164 62 906 83 259 With customers 1 553 233 1 553 233 On securities 131 661 9 232 122 428 On foreign exchange 85 543 3 997 81 545 On forward financial instruments and other off-balance sheet transactions 466 519 13 022 453 496 Banking and financial services 3 022 227 529 192 2 493 035 Net income from mutual fund management (OPCVM) 376 657 22 750 353 907 Net income from payment services 1 706 101 411 824 1 294 276 Insurance products 23 963 23 963 Other services 915 507 94 618 820 888 Net fee Income 5 405 347 618 350 4 786 997

3.2 Net fee income at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

3.3 Cost of risk at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Additional provisions -2 764 544 -2 588 392 Provisions for loan impairment -2 415 795 -2 174 118 Provisions for signature loans -19 753 -13 509 Other general provisions -328 997 -400 765 Provision write-backs 1 860 701 1 151 439 Provision write-backs for loan impairment 1 415 768 959 322 Provisions write-backs for signature loans 47 608 24 917 Provision write-backs for other general provisions 397 325 167 200 Change in provisions -1 264 280 -564 405 Losses on non-provisioned irrecoverable loans and advances -50 949 -58 443 Losses on provisioned irrecoverable loans and advances -1 266 125 -556 636 Amounts recovered on impaired loans and advances 81 324 64 614 Other losses -28 529 -13 939 Cost of risk -2 168 124 -2 001 359

4. Information per center of activities

Attijariwafa bank’s information by business activity is presented as follows:

· Domestic banking, europe and offshore comprising Attijariwafa bank SA, Attijariwafa bank Europe, Attijari international bank and holding companies incorporating the group’s investments in the group’s consolidated subsidiaries;

• Specialised Financial Subsidiaries comprising Moroccan subsidiaries undertaking consumer finance, mortgage loan, leasing, factoring and money transfer activities;

• International Retail Banking including banks in North Africa especially Attijaribank Tunisie, Attijariwafa bank Egypt and Attijaribank Mauritanie as well as banks in the WAEMU zone and the EMCCA zone;

• Insurance and property comprising Wafa Assurance.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (22)

6.1 Certificates of deposit and finance company bonds issued during 2017:

The certificates of Deposits outstanding amounted, as of December 2017, to MAD 7.7 billion.

During 2017, MAD 1.8 billion has been issued with a maturity comprised between 13 and 52 weeks and rates between 2.25% and 2.61%.

The outstanding of Finance Company bonds totaled MAD 3.2 billion as of December 2017.

During 2017, MAD 1.6 billion of Finance Company Bonds has been issued with a maturity comprised between 2 and 5 years and rates between 2.85% and 3.38%.

6.2 Subordinated debts issued during 2017:During 2017, Attijariwafa bank’s group issued four subordinated bond loans. The first subordinated bond loan, issued on June 23, 2017 for an amount of MAD 1,5 billion, is split up into 15,000 bonds at per value of MAD 100,000 with a maturity of 7 years. It is divided into four parts, two of which are listed on the Casablanca stock exchange (sections A and B), the remaining being unlisted (sections C and D).The nominal interest rate is fixed for A and C. It is 3.63% including a risk premium of 60 basis points. The nominal interest rate applied to B and D is annually revisable and is 2.81% including a premium risk of 55 basis points.The global income from subscription to the four sections is summarized in the below table

(in thousand MAD)

Section A Section B Section C Section D

Amount withheld 300 000 - 303 500 896 500

The second subordinated bond loan, is split up into 12,500 bonds at per value of MAD 100,000 with a maturity of 7 years. It is divided into four parts, two of which are listed on the Casablanca stock exchange (sections A and B), the remaining being unlisted (sections C and D).

The nominal interest rate is fixed for A and C. It is 3.69% including a risk premium of 70 basis points.

The nominal interest rate applied to B and D is annually revisable and is 2.92% including a premium risk of 65 basis points.

The global income from subscription to the four sections is summarized in the below table:

(in thousand MAD)

Section A Section B Section C Section D

Amount withheld 150 000 5 000 175 000 920 000

Income statement December 2017Domestic banking,

europe and offshore

Specialised Financial


Insurance and property

International Retail Banking Eliminations TOTAL

Net interest margin 6 945 211 1 078 982 479 752 4 559 043 -154 662 12 908 326 Net fee income 2 321 500 953 159 -23 859 2 057 383 -521 186 4 786 997 Net banking income 11 068 865 2 404 004 1 438 408 7 183 368 -449 867 21 644 776 Operating expenses 4 800 694 894 889 525 725 3 272 111 -449 867 9 043 552 Operating income 4 517 707 1 186 929 742 852 3 048 320 9 495 808 Net income 2 965 591 753 850 653 292 2 211 232 6 583 965 Net income group share 2 924 367 586 491 258 993 1 621 051 5 390 902

BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 2017Domestic banking,

europe and offshore

Specialised Financial


Insurance and property

International Retail Banking TOTAL

Balance sheet 289 517 174 34 033 801 36 385 740 115 723 411 475 660 126 IncludingAssetsFinancial assets at fair value through income 57 681 385 28 000 7 846 900 318 800 65 875 084 Available-for-sale financial assets 2 857 525 270 141 21 073 284 17 738 181 41 939 132 Loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments 17 969 078 846 268 168 114 6 320 935 25 304 396 Loans and advances to customers 184 908 389 30 115 474 2 751 038 68 220 144 285 995 046 Property, plant and equipment 2 717 966 587 131 234 787 2 010 838 5 550 721 LiabilitiesAmounts owing to credit institutions and similar establishments 26 212 591 1 667 982 52 9 770 977 37 651 602 Customer deposits 230 265 019 4 459 165 3 226 81 482 994 316 210 403 Technical reserves for insurance contracts - - 28 634 562 - 28 634 562 Subordinated debt 13 319 651 464 541 - 861 711 14 645 903 Shareholders' equity 37 407 777 2 927 423 4 753 680 5 712 168 50 801 049

5.1 Financing commitmentsat 31 December 2017 (in thousand MAD)


5.2 Guarantee commitmentsat 31 December 2017 (in thousand MAD)

(in thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Financing commitments given 56 284 528 24 300 960 To credit institutions and similar establishments 1 673 427 741 820To customers 54 611 101 23 559 140

Financing commitments received 497 547 2 333 990 From credit institutions and similar establishments 497 547 2 333 990From the State and other organisations

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Guarantees given 66 221 989 59 314 248 To credit institutions and similar establishments 12 028 769 10 288 608To customers 54 193 221 49 025 640Guarantees received 44 268 810 39 195 718 From credit institutions and similar establishments 33 407 687 32 988 956From the State and other organisations providing guarantees 10 861 123 6 206 762

The bank has, for the first time in 2017, recognized the unused portion of commitments for a total amount of 43.109 MDH (The unused portion was 58.341 MDH at the end of 2016).The unused portion has always been included in the solvency ratios calculation.


Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (23)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201723

The third subordinated bond loan, issued by Attijari bank Tunisie on May 31, 2017 for an amount of TND 60 million, is split up into 600,000 bonds at per value of TND 100 and divided into two categories :

- A category A with a maturity of 5 years and a fixed rate of 7.4% and/or revisable rate +1.90%

- A category B at a maturity of 7 years with grace period of 2 years and a fixed rate of 7.5% and/or revisable rate +2.10%

The fourth subordinated bond loan, issued by Société Ivoirienne de Banque on 29 December 2017 for an amount of FCFA 10 billion, is split up into 200 bonds at per value of FCFA 50 million and a maturity of 7 years, with a yield of 7.5% per year duty free.

6.3 Capital and income per share 6.3.1 Number of shares and per values As of December 2017, Attijariwafa bank’s capital amounted to MAD 2,035,272,260 and made of 203 527 226 shares at a nominal value of MAD 10.

6.3.2 Attijariwafa bank shares held by the GroupAs of December 2017, Attijariwafa bank Group holds 13,226,583 shares representing a global amount of MAD 2,461 million deducted from the consolidated shareholders equity.

6.3.3 Per share incomeThe bank has not dilutive instruments in ordinary shares. Therefore, the diluted income per share is equal to the basic income per share.

(in MAD)

31 December 2017

31 December 2016

31 December 2015

Earnings per share 26.49 23.37 22.12Diluted earnings per share 26.49 23.37 22.12

6.4 Business Combination During 2017, Attijariwafa bank has completed the acquisition of 100% of Barclays Bank Egypt after obtaining all the required regulatory approvals.

This transaction enables Attijariwafa bank to enter a market with significant growth prospects and to widen its international footprint in the 3rd African economy with a population of 96 million inhabitants and a healthy and profitable banking sector.

It also offers to Attijariwafa bank a unique opportunity for further development in the Middle East and Eastern Africa.

6.6 Scope of consolidationname Sector of activity (A) (B) (C) (D) country Method % control % interest

Attijariwafa bank Bank Morocco TopATTIJARIWAFA EUROPE Bank France IG 99.78% 99.78%ATTIJARI INTERNATIONAL BANK Bank Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%COMPAGNIE BANCAIRE DE L'AFRIQUE DE L'OUEST Bank Senegal IG 83.07% 83.01%ATTIJARIBANK TUNISIE Bank Tunisia IG 58.98% 58.98%LA BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR LE MALI Bank Mali IG 51.00% 51.00%CREDIT DU SENEGAL Bank Senegal IG 95.00% 95.00%UNION GABONAISE DE BANQUE Bank Gabon IG 58.71% 58.71%CREDIT DU CONGO Bank Congo IG 91.00% 91.00%SOCIETE IVOIRIENNE DE BANQUE Bank Ivory Coast IG 67.00% 67.00%SOCIETE COMMERCIALE DE BANQUE CAMEROUN Bank Cameroon IG 51.00% 51.00%ATTIJARIBANK MAURITANIE Bank Mauritania IG 80.00% 53.60%BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR L'AFRIQUE AU TOGO Bank (2) Togo IG 56.76% 56.76%ATTIJARIWAFA BANK EGYPT Bank (1) Egypt IG 100.00% 100.00%WAFA SALAF Consumer credit Morocco IG 50.91% 50.91%WAFA BAIL Leasing Morocco IG 98.10% 98.10%WAFA IMMOBILIER Real estate loans Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%ATTIJARI IMMOBILIER Real estate loans Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%ATTIJARI FACTORING Morocco Factoring Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%WAFA CASH Cash activities Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%WAFA LLD long-term rentals Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%ATTIJARI FINANCES CORP. investment bank Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%WAFA GESTION Asset management Morocco IG 66.00% 66.00%ATTIJARI INTERMEDIATION SM intermediation Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%FCP SECURITE Dedicated mutual funds Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%FCP OPTIMISATION Dedicated mutual funds Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%FCP STRATEGIE Dedicated mutual funds Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%FCP EXPANSION Dedicated mutual funds Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%FCP FRUCTI VALEURS Dedicated mutual funds Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%WAFA ASSURANCE insurance Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%BCM CORPORATION holding Company Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%OGM holding Company Morocco IG 50.00% 50.00%ANDALUCARTHAGE holding Company Morocco IG 100.00% 100.00%KASOVI holding Company Mauritius IG 100.00% 100.00%SAF holding Company France IG 99.82% 99.82%FILAF holding Company Senegal IG 100.00% 100.00%CAFIN holding Company Senegal IG 100.00% 100.00%ATTIJARI AFRIQUE PARTICIPATIONS holding Company France IG 100.00% 100.00%ATTIJARI MoroccoO-MAURITANIE holding Company France IG 67.00% 67.00%ATTIJARI IVOIRE holding Company (4) Morocco IG 66.67% 66.67%MOUSSAFIR hospitality industry Morocco MEE 33.34% 33.34%ATTIJARI SICAR risk capital Tunisia IG 69.06% 40.73%PANORAMA real estate company Morocco IG 39.65% 39.65%SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE TOGO LOME real estate company Togo IG 100.00% 100.00%

1 - Acquisition 6 - Merger between consolidated entities2 - Creation, crossing threshold 7 - Change in method - Proportional integration to global integration3 - Entry into IFRS perimeter 8 - Change in method - Global integration to equity method4 - Disposal 9 - Change in method - Equity method to global integration5 - Deconsolidation

(A) Movements occurring in first half of 2016(B) Movements occurring in second half of 2016(C) Movements occurring in first half of of 2017(D) Movements occurring in second half of 2017

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (24)

1. PresentationAttijariwafa bank is a Moroccan company governed by common law. The financial statements comprise the accounts of head office as well as branches in Morocco and overseas. Material intra-group transactions and balances between Moroccan entities and overseas branches have been eliminated.

2. General principlesThe financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to credit institutions.

The presentation of Attijariwafa bank’s financial statements complies with the Credit Institution Accounting Plan.

3. Loans and signature loansGeneral presentation of loans

• Loans and advances to credit institutions and customers are classified according to their initial maturity and type:

- Sight and term loans in the case of credit institutions;

- Short-term loans, equipment loans, consumer loans, mortgage loans and other loans for customers.

• Signature loans accounted for off-balance sheet relate to transactions which have not yet given rise to cash movements such as irrevocable commitments for the undrawn portion of facilities made available to credit institutions and customers or guarantees given;

• Repo transactions, involving shares or other securities, are recorded under the different loan categories (credit institutions or customers);

• Interest accrued on these loans is recorded under related loans and booked to the income statement.

Non-performing loans on customers• Non-performing loans on customers are recorded and valued in accordance

with prevailing banking regulations.

The main measures applied are summarised as follows:

- Non-performing loans are classified as sub-standard, doubtful or impaired depending on the level of risk;

After deducting the guarantee portion as required by prevailing regulations, provisions for non-performing loans are made as follows:

- 20% for sub-standard loans;

- 50% for doubtful loans;

- 100% for impaired loans.

• Provisions made relating to credit risks are deducted from the asset classes in question. As soon as loans are classified as non-performing, interest is no longer accrued but is recognised as income when received;

• Losses on irrecoverable loans are booked when the possibility of recovering the non-performing loans is deemed to be zero;

• Provisions for non-performing loans are written-back on any positive development in respect of the non-performing loans in question, such as partial or full repayment or a restructuring of the debt with partial repayment.

• The bank has written off non-performing loans using provisions set aside for this purpose.

4. Amounts owing to credit institutions and customersAmounts owing to credit institutions and customers are presented in the financial statements according to their initial maturity and type:

- Sight and term borrowings in the case of credit institutions;

- Current accounts in credit, savings accounts, terms deposits and other customer accounts in credit in the case of customers.

Repo transactions, involving shares or other securities, are recorded under the different loan categories (credit institutions or customers), depending on the counterparty;

Interest accrued on these loans is recorded under related borrowings and booked to the income statement.

5. Securities portfolio

5.1. General presentation

Securities transactions are booked and valued in accordance with the Plan Comptable des Etablissem*nts de Crédit.

Securities are classified as a function of their legal characteristics (debt security or equity security) and the purpose for which they are acquired (trading securities, available-for-sale securities, investment securities and investments in affiliates).

5.2. Trading securities

Trading securities are securities which are highly liquid and are acquired with the intention of being resold in the very near future. These securities are recorded at cost (including coupon). At the end of each period, the difference between this value and their market value is recognised directly in the income statement.

5.3. Available-for-sale securities

Available-for-sale securities are securities acquired with the intention of being held for at least 6 months, except for fixed income securities intended to be held until maturity. AFS securities comprise all securities that do not satisfy the criteria required to be classified in another category.

Debt securities are booked excluding accrued interest. The difference between their purchase price and redemption price is amortised over the security’s remaining life.

Equities are recorded at cost less acquisition expenses.

At the end of each period, a provision for impairment is made for any negative difference between a security’s market value and carrying amount. Unrealised gains are not booked.

5.4. Investment securities

Investment securities are debt securities which are acquired, or which come from another category of securities, with the intention of being held until maturity for the purpose of generating regular income over a long period.

These securities are recorded at cost less acquisition expenses. The difference between their purchase price and redemption price is amortised over the security’s remaining life.

At the end of each period, these securities are recorded at cost,

regardless of their market value. Unrealised profit or loss is therefore not recognised.

5.5. Investments in affiliates

This category comprises securities whose long-term ownership is deemed useful to the Bank.

At the end of each period, their value is estimated on the basis of generally accepted criteria such as useful value, share of net assets, future outlook for earnings and share price. Only unrealised losses give rise to provisions for impairment on a case-by-case basis.

5.6. Repos with physical delivery

This category comprises securities which are expected to be useful to the bank if held over the long term.

At the end of each period, their value is estimated on the basis of generally accepted criteria such as useful value, share of net assets, future outlook for earnings and share price. Only unrealised losses give rise to provisions for impairment on a case-by-case basis.

6. Foreign currency-denominated transactionsForeign currency-denominated loans, amounts owing and signature loans are translated into dirhams at the average exchange rate prevailing on the balance sheet date.

Any foreign exchange difference on contributions from overseas branches and on foreign currency-denominated borrowings for hedging exchange rate risk is recorded in the balance sheet under "Other assets” or “Other

Parent company financial statements at 31 December 2017FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (25)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201725

liabilities” as appropriate. Any translation difference arising on translation of long-term investment securities acquired in a foreign currency is recorded as a translation difference for each category of security in question.

Any foreign exchange difference on any other foreign currency account is posted to the income statement. Income and expenses in foreign currency are translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the day they are booked.

7. Translation of financial statements drawn up in foreign currencies

The «closing rate » method is used to translate foreign currency- denominated financial statements.

Translation of balance sheet and off-balance sheet items

All assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items of foreign entities are translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the balance sheet date.

Shareholders’ equity (excluding net income for the current period) is valued at different historical rates. Any difference arising on restatement (closing rate less historical rate) is recorded in shareholders’ equity under «Translation differences».

Translation of income statement items

All income statement items are translated at the average exchange rate over the year except for depreciation and amortisation expenses, which are translated at the closing rate.

8. General provisionsThese provisions are made, at the discretion of the management, to address future risks which cannot be currently identified or accurately measured relating to the banking activity.

Provisions made qualify for a tax write-back.

9. Intangible assets and property, plant and equipmentIntangible assets and property, plant and equipment are recorded in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortisation, calculated using the straight line method over the estimated use life of the assets in question.

Intangible assets are categorised as operating or non-operating assets and are amortised over the following periods:

Type Amortisation period

- Lease rights not amortised

- Patents and brands N/A

- Research and development N/A

- IT software 6.67 years

- Other items of goodwill 5 years

Les immobilisations corporelles ventilées en immobilisations d’exploitation et hors exploitation sont composées sont amorties sur les durées suivantes :

Type Amortisation period

- Land not depreciated

- Operating premises 25 years

- Office furniture 6.67 years

- IT hardware 6.67 years

- Vehicles 5 years

- Fixtures, fittings and equipment 6.67 years

10. Deferred expensesDeferred expenses are expenses which, given their size and nature, are likely to relate to more than one period.

Deferred expenses are amortised over the following periods:

Type Amortisation period

-Start-up costs 3 years

- Expenses incurred in acquiring fixed assets 5 years

- Bond issuance expenses N/A

- Premiums paid on issuing or redeemingdebt securities N/A

- Other deferred expenses 3-5 years on a case by case basis

11. Recognition of interest and fees in the income statement


Income and expenses calculated on principal amounts actually lent or borrowed are considered as interest.

Income and expenses calculated on a prorata temporis basis which remunerate a risk are considered as similar income or expenses. This category includes fees on guarantee and financing commitments (guarantees, documentary credits etc.).

Interest accrued on principal amounts actually lent or borrowed is booked under related loans or debt with an offsetting entry in the income statement entry.

Similar income or expenses are recorded under income or expenses when invoiced.

FeesIncome and expenses, calculated on a flat-rate basis for a service provided, are recorded under fees when invoiced.

12. Non-recurring items of income and expenditureThey consist exclusively of income and expenses arising on an exceptional basis and are, in principle, rare in that they are unusual in nature or occur infrequently.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (26)

Parent company financial statements at 31 December 2017FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

ASSETS 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Cash and balances with central banks, the treasury and post office accounts 9 142 735 7 303 483 Loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments 35 621 804 40 715 628 . Sight 6 724 299 10 210 911 . Term 28 897 505 30 504 718 Loans and advances to customers 179 237 875 174 926 696 . Short-term loans and consumer loans 46 406 692 50 168 125 . Equipment loans 62 898 671 57 207 000 . Mortgage loans 59 194 993 56 254 850 . Other loans 10 737 519 11 296 721 Receivables acquired through factoring 1 1 Trading securities and available-for-sale securities 59 555 810 46 121 087 . Treasury bills and similar securities 38 338 338 25 251 542 . Other debt securities 6 092 873 2 204 321 . Fixed income Funds 15 124 599 18 665 224 Other assets 3 782 194 5 453 551 Investment securities 6 840 219 5 969 166 . Treasury bills and similar securities 6 840 219 5 969 166 . Other debt securities - - Investments in affiliates and other long-term investments 19 104 819 13 644 919 Subordinated loans - - Leased and rented assets 395 093 238 965 Intangible assets 2 087 698 1 812 149 Property, plant and equipment 3 602 994 3 340 980 Total Assets 319 371 242 299 526 626

BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

LIABILITIES 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Amounts owing to central banks, the treasury and post office accounts - - Amounts owing to credit institutions and similar establishments 27 432 674 21 792 115 . Sight 6 578 787 6 748 610 . Term 20 853 887 15 043 506 Customer deposits 225 368 841 208 833 653 . Current accounts in credit 145 722 889 130 692 299 . Savings accounts 27 988 582 27 020 923 . Term deposits 41 552 032 40 328 997 . Other accounts in credit 10 105 338 10 791 434 Debt securities issued 5 878 938 7 592 398 . Negociable debt securities 5 878 938 7 592 398 . Bonds - - . Other debt securities issued - - Other liabilities 7 080 313 10 052 514 General provisions 3 253 154 3 165 024 Regulated provisions - - Subsidies, public funds and special guarantee funds - - Subordinated debt 13 319 651 12 770 020 Revaluation reserve 420 420 Reserves and premiums related to share capital 30 843 500 26 350 000 Share capital 2 035 272 2 035 272 Shareholders, unpaid share capital (-) - - Retained earnings (+/-) 468 160 Net income to be allocated (+/-) - - Net income for the financial year (+/-) 4 158 011 6 935 048 Total liabilities 319 371 242 299 526 626

OFF-BALANCE 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

COMMITMENTS GIVEN 117 502 012 74 223 173 Financing commitments given to credit institutions and similar establishments 4 574 906 532 Financing commitments given to customers 50 599 636 18 287 612 Guarantees given to credit institutions and similar establishments 15 990 395 15 981 109 Guarantees given to customers 46 333 931 39 953 920 Securities purchased with repurchase agreement - - Other securities to be delivered 3 144 - COMMITMENTS RECEIVED 20 405 162 23 034 121 Financing commitments received from credit institutions and similar establishments - 1 491 560 Guarantees received from credit institutions and similar establishments 20 008 772 21 270 627 Guarantees received from the State and other organisations providing guarantees 381 116 271 934 Securities sold with repurchase agreement - - Other securities to be received 15 274 -

OFF-BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

The bank has, for the first time in 2017, recognized the unused portion of commitments for a total amount of 43.109 MDH (The unused portion was 58.341 MDH at the end of 2016).The unused portion has always been included in the solvency ratios calculation.

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (27)


Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201727

I - RESULTS ANALYSIS 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

+ Interest and similar income 10 261 401 10 254 641 - Interest and similar expenses 3 250 857 3 401 051 NET INTEREST MARGIN 7 010 544 6 853 590 + Income from lease-financed fixed assets 23 726 301 048 - Expenses on lease-financed fixed assets 30 852 241 802 NET INCOME FROM LEASING ACTIVITIES -7 126 59 246 + Fees received 1 638 349 1 493 786 - Fees paid 1 315 18 NET FEE INCOME 1 637 034 1 493 767 + Income from trading securities 1 629 182 1 778 977 + Income from available-for-sale securities -6 367 35 518 + Income from foreign exchange activities 635 577 448 742 + Income from derivatives activities 101 838 -60 652 INCOME FROM MARKET ACTIVITIES 2 360 230 2 202 585 + Other banking income 1 527 680 4 587 670 - Other banking expenses 1 025 638 961 256 NET BANKING INCOME 11 502 724 14 235 602 + Income from long-term investments 257 041 56 823 + Other non-banking operating income 52 075 104 797 - Other non-banking operating expenses - - - General operating expenses 4 507 747 4 285 515 GROSS OPERATING INCOME 7 304 093 10 111 707 + Net provisions for non-performing loans and signature loans -935 545 -1 028 226 + Other net provisions -76 744 -384 838 NET OPERATING INCOME 6 291 804 8 698 642

NON OPERATING INCOME -530 199 -179 172 - Income tax 1 603 594 1 584 422 NET INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 4 158 011 6 935 048

MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING STATEMENT at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

II- TOTAL CASH FLOW 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

+ NET INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 4 158 011 6 935 048 + Depreciation, amortisation and provisions for fixed asset impairment 412 389 415 918 + Provisions for impairment of long-term investments 44 086 77 679 + General provisions 165 700 100 000 + Regulated provisions - - + Extraordinary provisions - - - Reversals of provisions for depreciation of long-term investments 304 595 134 502 - Capital gains on disposal of fixed assets 16 942 69 684 + Losses on disposal of fixed assets - - - Capital gains on disposal of long-term investments - - + Losses on disposal of long-term investments 3 469 - - Write-backs of investment subsidies received - - + TOTAL CASH FLOW 4 462 118 7 324 459 - Profits distributed 2 442 327 2 238 799 + SELF-FINANCING 2 019 791 5 085 660

NON-PERFORMING CUSTOMER LOANS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

SALES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Disbursed loans Signature loans Amount Provisions for disbursed loans

Provisions for signature loans Amount

12/31/2017 11 291 252 681 406 11 972 658 8 251 238 276 676 8 527 914

2017 2016 2015

17 721 190 21 639 862 18 849 440

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (28)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

OPERATING INCOME FROM BANKING ACTIVITIES 17 721 190 21 639 862 Interest and similar income from transactions with credit institutions 1 030 084 966 137 Interest and similar income from transactions with customers 8 926 121 8 941 326 Interest and similar income from debt securities 305 196 347 179 Income from equity securities 1 512 834 4 587 637 Income from lease-financed fixed assets 23 726 301 048 Fee income provided from services 1 635 220 1 493 786 Other banking income 4 288 009 5 002 750 OPERATING EXPENSES ON BANKING ACTIVITIES 6 218 466 7 404 260 Interest and similar expenses on transactions with credit institutions 592 376 436 578 Interest and similar expenses on transactions with customers 2 451 394 2 718 007 Interest and similar expenses on debt securities issued 207 086 246 466 Expenses on lease-financed fixed assets 30 853 241 802 Other banking expenses 2 936 757 3 761 407 NET BANKING INCOME 11 502 724 14 235 602 Non-banking operating income 52 074 104 797 Non-banking operating expenses 3 469 - OPERATING EXPENSES 4 507 747 4 285 515 Staff costs 2 068 105 1 929 338 Taxes other than on income 122 812 119 829 External expenses 1 885 578 1 804 780 Other general operating expenses 18 863 15 649 Depreciation, amortisation and provisions 412 389 415 918 PROVISIONS AND LOSSES ON IRRECOVERABLE LOANS 2 797 776 2 410 213 Provisions for non-performing loans and signature loans 1 338 046 1 529 038 Losses on irrecoverable loans 970 324 351 404 Other provisions 489 406 529 771 PROVISION WRITE-BACKS AND AMOUNTS RECOVERED ON IMPAIRED LOANS 2 045 997 1 053 971 Provision write-backs for non-performing loans and signature loans 1 310 261 807 898 Amounts recovered on impaired loans 62 564 44 317 Other provision write-backs 673 172 201 756 INCOME FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES 6 291 803 8 698 642 Non-recurring income 695 11 999 Non-recurring expenses 530 893 191 171 PRE-TAX INCOME 5 761 605 8 519 470 Income tax 1 603 594 1 584 422 NET INCOME FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 4 158 011 6 935 048

INCOME STATEMENT at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

1. (+) Operating income from banking activities 15 945 413 16 791 2472. (+) Amounts recovered on impaired loans 62 564 44 3173. (+) Non-banking operating income 35 827 47 1124. (-) Operating expenses on banking activities (*) -7 261 907 -8 159 2965. (-) Non-banking operating expenses6. (-) General operating expenses -4 095 358 -3 869 5977. (-) Income tax -1 603 594 -1 584 422I. NET CASH FLOW FROM INCOME STATEMENT 3 082 945 3 269 361Change in:8. (±) Loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments

5 093 824 -5 666 141

9. (±) Loans and advances to customers -4 311 176 -10 676 27210. (±) Trading securities and available-for-sale securities -13 434 724 7 307 82911. (±) Other assets 1 525 081 -1 668 00012. (±) Lease-financed fixed assets -156 128 1 023 37613. (±) Amounts owing to credit institutions and similar establishments 5 640 558 -8 078 16214. (±) Customer deposits 16 535 188 7 874 61215. (±) Debt securities issued -1 713 460 543 49716. (±) Other liabilities -2 824 836 3 955 758II. NET CHANGE IN OPERATING ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 6 354 327 -5 383 503III. NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (I + II) 9 437 272 -2 114 14217. (+) Income from the disposal of long-term investments -871 053 520 79118. (+) Income from the disposal of fixed assets 35 018 283 40319. (-) Acquisition of long-term investments -5 141 802 -227 06220. (-) Acquisition of fixed assets -979 869 -865 85121. (+) Interest received 262 944 260 97822. (+) Dividends received 1 512 834 4 587 637IV. NET CASH FLOW FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES -5 181 928 4 559 89623. (+) Subsidies, public funds and special guarantee funds24. (+) Subordinated loan issuance 550 000 2 000 00025. (+) Equity issuance26. (-) Repayment of shareholders’ equity and equivalent27. (-) Interest paid -523 765 -479 68628. (-) Dividends paid -2 442 327 -2 238 799V- NET CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES -2 416 092 -718 485VI- NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 1 839 252 1 727 269VII- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD 7 303 483 5 576 214VIII- CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE PERIOD 9 142 735 7 303 483

(*) : including net provisions

CASH FLOW STATEMENT at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (29)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201729



I. Departures from fundamental accounting principles Not applicable Not applicableII. Departures from valuation methods Not applicable Not applicableIII. Departures from rules for drawing up and presenting the financial statements Not applicable Not applicable




I. Changes in valuation methods Not applicable Not applicableII. Changes in rules of presentation Not applicable Not applicable




Bank Al Maghrib,the treasury and

post office accountsBanks

other credit institutions

& equivalent in Morocco

credit institutions abroad

Total 12/31/2017


CURRENT ACCOUNTS IN DEBIT 5 565 060 2 695 1 658 986 5 013 529 12 240 270 8 651 662NOTES RECEIVED AS SECURITY 2 601 964- overnight 2 601 964- termCASH LOANS 12 012 090 2 860 303 14 872 393 19 655 354- overnight 2 980 000- term 12 012 090 2 860 303 14 872 393 16 675 354FINANCIAL LOANS 2 411 798 11 399 271 13 811 069 13 527 349OTHER LOANS 45 151 12 879 46 042 99 493INTEREST ACCRUED AWAITING RECEIPT 175 845 41 247 217 092 222 138NON-PERFORMING LOANSTOTAL 5 565 060 2 459 644 25 246 204 7 915 958 41 186 866 44 757 960

LOANS AND ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

LOANS AND ADVANCES public sectorprivate sector

Total 12/31/2017


companiesnon-financial companies other customers

SHORT-TERM LOANS 1 495 303 1 097 756 30 689 832 2 204 799 35 487 690 40 264 603- Current accounts in debit 3 929 1 097 756 11 892 663 1 719 181 14 713 529 20 144 750- Commercial loans within Morocco 4 865 371 4 865 371 4 082 023- Export loans 470 739 470 739 447 086- Other cash loans 1 491 374 13 461 059 485 618 15 438 051 15 590 744CONSUMER LOANS 330 762 10 057 556 10 388 318 9 374 161EQUIPMENT LOANS 36 443 822 24 780 576 736 454 61 960 852 56 335 607MORTGAGE LOANS 183 631 9 536 575 49 472 504 59 192 710 56 252 507OTHER LOANS 1 703 5 243 035 2 189 354 259 129 7 693 221 7 970 641RECEIVABLES ACQUIRED THROUGH FACTORING 1 1 1INTEREST ACCRUED AWAITING RECEIPT 945 477 529 592 1 475 069 1 406 601NON-PERFORMING LOANS 3 65 337 1 177 068 1 797 606 3 040 014 3 322 575- Sub-standard loans 196 196 1 760- Doubtful loans 6 866 6 866 595- Impaired loans 3 65 337 1 170 006 1 797 606 3 032 952 3 320 220TOTAL 38 124 462 6 406 128 69 649 645 65 057 640 179 237 875 174 926 696







LISTED SECURITIES 815 - 15 049 825 57 062 15 107 702 18 648 288 - Treasury bills and similar instruments - - - Bonds - - - Other debt securities - - - Fixed income Funds 815 15 049 825 57 062 15 107 702 18 648 288 UNLISTED SECURITIES 1 829 298 49 133 875 1 618 141 846 51 106 637 33 263 981 - Treasury bills and similar instruments 44 999 735 44 999 735 31 048 496 - Bonds 272 484 108 790 135 566 516 840 1 394 751 - Other debt securities 1 556 143 4 017 022 5 573 165 803 799 - Fixed income Funds 671 8 328 1 618 6 280 16 897 16 935 TOTAL 1 830 113 49 133 875 15 051 443 198 908 66 214 339 51 912 269

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (30)


Securities Value Current value RedemptionValue

UnrealisedCapital gains

UnrealisedLosses Provisions

TRADING SECURITIES 59 044 773 59 044 773 - - - - - Treasury bills and similar instruments 38 280 714 38 280 714 - - - - - Bonds 104 481 104 481 - - - - - Other debt securities 5 573 165 5 573 165 - - - - - Fixed income Funds 15 086 413 15 086 413 - - - -

AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE SECURITIES 544 600 505 510 - 29 694 39 090 39 090 - Treasury bills and similar instruments 54 965 54 965 - 3 241 - - - Bonds 423 053 412 359 - 12 042 10 694 10 694 - Other debt securities - - - - - - - Fixed income Funds 66 582 38 186 - 14 411 28 396 28 396

INVESTMENT SECURITIES 6 664 056 6 664 056 - - - - - Treasury bills and similar instruments 6 664 056 6 664 056 - - - - Bonds- Other debt securities

DETAILS OF OTHER ASSETS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

ASSETS Amount At 12/31/2017 Amount At 12/31/2016

PURCHASED OPTIONS 111 599SUNDRY SECURITIES TRANSACTIONSSUNDRY DEBTORS 325 427 561 304Amounts due from the State 206 310 215 433Amounts due from mutual Sundry amounts due from Amounts due from customers for non-banking services 103 132Other sundry debtors 119 014 345 739OTHER SUNDRY ASSETS 1 292ACCRUALS AND SIMILAR 3 222 574 4 771 177Adjustment accounts for off-balance sheet transactions 237 806 159 465Translation differences for foreign currencies and securitiesIncome from derivative products and hedgingDeferred expenses 50 295 55 825Inter-company accounts between head office, branch offices and branches in Morocco 309 697 897Accounts receivable and prepaid expenses 1 118 301 1 013 893Other accruals and similar 1 506 475 3 541 097NON-PERFORMING LOANS ON SUNDRY TRANSACTIONS 121 302 121 070TOTAL 3 782 194 5 453 551


Gross amountexercise

ning of theat the begin

Amount ofexercise

during theacquisitions

Amount ofexercise

during thewithdrawals transfers or

grossthe exercise the end of amount at

Amortisation Provisionsnet amountexercise of

theat the end

Allocation during

the exerciseAggregate depreciate

Allocation in the


provision write

downsAggregate provisions

LEASED AND RENTED ASSETS 649 267 186 333 1 420 834 180 30 853 439 087 395 093Leased intangible assetsEquipment leasing 620 671 186 333 807 004 30 853 417 151 389 853- Movable assets under lease 386 386 386- Leased movable assets 620 285 186 333 806 618 30 853 417 151 389 467- Movable assets unleased after cancellationProperty leasing 25 647 25 647 21 936 3 711- Immovable assets under lease- Immovable leased assets 25 647 25 647 21 936 3 711- Immovable assets unleased after cancellationRents awaiting receiptRestructured rentsRents in arrears 2 949 1 420 1 529 1 529Non-performing loansRENTED ASSETSRented movable propertyRented propertyRents awaiting receiptRestructured rentsRents in arrearsNon-performing rentsTOTAL 649 267 186 333 1 420 834 180 30 853 439 087 395 093

LEASED AND RENTED ASSETS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (31)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201731

SUBORDINATED LOANS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)


Amount including affiliates and related companies

12/31/2017 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 12/31/2016gross Prov. Net Net Net Net

1 2 3 4 5 6

Subordinated loans to credit institutions and similar establishments NOT APPLICABLE

Subordinated loans to customers



date of transfer or withdrawal type gross amount Aggregate

depreciationnet book


Value-added transfers

loss in value transfers

REAL ESTATE 21 326 3 250 18 076 35 018 16 942

GROUNDS 4 300 - 4 300

BUILDINGS 15 878 2 680 13 198



TOTAL 21 326 3 250 18 076 35 018 16 942 -



gross value at the

beginning of the


Acquisitions disposals

gross value at the

end of the exercise

Amortisation/provisions net valueat the end

of the exercise

Amortisation and provisions

at the beginning of the exercise

Additional amortisa-


Amortisationon disposed


Accumula- ted amorti- sation and


INTANGIBLE ASSETS 3 228 907 417 132 - 3 646 039 1 416 759 141 582 - 1 558 341 2 087 698 - Lease rights 319 371 - - 319 371 - - - - 319 371 - Research and development - - - - - - - - - - Intangible assets used in operations 2 909 536 417 132 - 3 326 668 1 416 759 141 582 - 1 558 341 1 768 327 - Non-operating intangible assets - - - - - - - - -

PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 7 648 255 572 226 66 486 8 153 996 4 307 274 270 807 27 078 4 551 002 3 602 994

IMMOVABLE PROPERTY USED IN OPERATIONS 2 087 076 158 709 40 972 2 204 813 886 794 54 955 24 525 917 224 1 287 589 - Land 440 500 26 440 788 466 152 - - - - 466 152 - Office buildings 1 585 414 132 269 31 562 1 686 121 830 880 53 821 15 216 869 485 816 636 - Staff accommodation 61 162 - 8 622 52 540 55 914 1 134 9 309 47 739 4 801

MOVABLE PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT USED IN OPERATIONS 2 070 499 143 236 7 220 2 206 515 1 753 877 72 138 708 1 825 306 381 209

- Office property 427 491 17 374 4 662 440 203 382 551 9 649 - 392 200 48 003 - Office equipment 842 165 43 610 885 775 740 031 23 775 - 763 806 121 969 - IT equipment 792 596 81 783 1 930 872 449 623 074 38 629 80 661 623 210 826 - Vehicles 8 247 469 628 8 088 8 220 85 628 7 677 411 - Other equipment - - - - - - - - - OTHER PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT USED IN OPERATIONS

1 743 913 140 696 47 1 884 562 1 349 642 110 310 47 1 459 905 424 657


1 746 767 129 585 18 247 1 858 106 316 961 33 404 1 798 348 567 1 509 539

Land 740 776 74 500 3 512 811 765 - - - - 811 765 Buildings 800 697 40 500 14 681 826 516 198 391 25 679 1 744 222 326 604 190 Movable property and equipment 68 040 139 - 68 179 47 569 747 - 48 316 19 863

Other property, plant and equipment not used in operations 137 254 14 446 54 151 646 71 001 6 978 54 77 925 73 721

TOTAL 10 877 162 989 359 66 486 11 800 035 5 724 033 412 389 27 078 6 109 343 5 690 692

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (32)


Name of the issuing company Sector of activity Share capitalShare


grossbook value

net book value

data from the issuing company’s most recent financial statements contri-

bution to income

year’sYear-end net assets net income

A - INVESTMENTS IN AFFILIATE COMPANIES 18 415 837 18 234 081 1 475 065

ATTIJARI FINANCES CORPORATE INVESTMENT BANKING 10 000 100.00% 10 000 10 000 06/30/2017 70 714 58 558 24 000

OMNIUM DE GESTION MAROCAIN S.A."OGM" HOLDING COMPANY 1 770 000 50.00% 2 047 900 2 047 900 09/30/2017 2 214 934 342 936 169 500 SOMACOVAM ASSET MANAGEMENT 5 000 100.00% 30 000 1 651 12/31/2016 1 651 -3 593 WAFA GESTION ASSET MANAGEMENT 4 900 66.00% 236 369 236 369 06/30/2017 104 002 36 347 52 747 ATTIJARI INVEST. ASSET MANAGEMENT 5 000 100.00% 5 000 5 000 12/31/2016 52 127 4 454

WAFA BOURSE SECURITIES BROKERAGE 20 000 100.00% 40 223 40 223 12/31/2016 58 139 29 335 16 000


ATTIJARI OPERATIONS SERVICE COMPANY 1 000 100.00% 1 000 1 000 12/31/2016 795 -51 ATTIJARI AFRICA SERVICE COMPANY 2 000 100.00% 2 000 2 000 12/31/2016 18 741 700 ATTIJARI CIB AFRICA SERVICE COMPANY 2 000 100.00% 2 000 2 000 12/31/2016 1 752 -76 ATTIJARI IT AFRICA SERVICE COMPANY 1 000 100.00% 1 000 1 000 12/31/2016 7 553 1 367 ATTIJARI PAYMENT PROCESSING MONEY TRANSFERS 1 000 100.00% 1 000 1 000 ATTIJARI ASSET MANAGEMENT AAM SA (Sénégal) ASSET MANAGEMENT 1 200 000 FCFA 70.00% 13 889 13 889 - - 11 023 ATTIJARI SECURITISES CENTRAL AFRICA (ASCA) ASSET MANAGEMENT 1 312 000 FCFA 70.00% 15 351 15 351 - - ATTIJARI IVOIRE SA HOLDING COMPANY 32 450 KEUR 66.67% 236 891 236 891 09/30/2017 35 531 KEUR 3 081 KEUR 92 384 ATTIJARIWAFA BANK MIDDLE EAST LIMITED INVESTMENT

BANKING 1 000 100.00% 8 194 8 194 - - STE MAROCAINE DE GESTION ET TRAITEMENT INFORMATIQUE "SOMGETI" IT 300 100.00% 100 100 12/31/2016 187 -21

AGENA MAGHREB SALE OF IT EQUIPMENT 11 000 74.96% 33 - 12/31/2016 -6 861 -29

ATTIJARI CAPITAL DEVELOPEMENT RISK CAPITAL 10 320 100.00% 10 320 2 681 12/31/2016 2 681 -11 227 ATTIJARI PROTECTION SECURITY 4 000 83.75% 3 350 3 350 12/31/2016 4 289 -13 BCM CORPORATION HOLDING COMPANY 200 000 100.00% 200 000 200 000 06/30/2017 242 800 25 316 50 000 CASA MADRID DEVELOPPEMENT DEVELOPMENT

CAPITAL 10 000 50.00% 5 000 5 000 12/31/2016 10 406 -14

DINERS CLUB DU MAROC MANAGEMENT OF PAYMENT CARDS 1 500 100.00% 1 675 728 12/31/2016 728 -123

MEDI TRADE TRADING 1 200 20.00% 240 140 12/31/2016 699 -3 AL MIFTAH PROPERTY 100 100.00% 244 - 12/31/2016 -3 135 -286 WAFA COURTAGE BROKERAGE 1 000 100.00% 2 397 2 397 12/31/2016 49 107 33 296 20 000 WAFA COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION 3 000 85.00% 2 600 225 12/31/2016 260 -30 WAFA FONCIERE PROPERTY

MANAGEMENT 2 000 100.00% 3 700 2 061 12/31/2016 2 061 -19

WAFA INVESTISsem*nT INVESTMENT HOLDING COMPANY 1 787 100.00% 46 46 12/31/2016 1 187 -49

WAFA SYSTEMES CONSULTING IT CONSULTING 5 000 99.88% 4 994 4 994 12/31/2016 6 195 -545 WAFA SYSTEMES DATA IT 1 500 100.00% 1 500 1 173 12/31/2016 1 173 -334 WAFA SYSTEMES FINANCES IT SOLUTIONS 2 000 100.00% 2 066 1 451 12/31/2016 1 451 -494 WAFA TRUST FINANCIAL SERVICES 1 500 100.00% 1 500 1 011 - -

ATTIJARIWAFA BANK EGYPT BANKING 995 129 KEGP 60.00% 3 244 162 3 244 162 06/30/2017 4 055 531 KEGP 199 402 KEGP

ATTIJARIA AL AAKARIA AL MAGHRIBIA PROPERTY 10 000 100.00% 9 999 9 999 12/31/2016 28 962 21 054 15 000 SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE ATTIJARIA AL YOUSSOUFIA PROPERTY 50 000 100.00% 51 449 25 433 12/31/2016 25 433 -17 STE IMMOB.BOULEVARD PASTEUR " SIBP" PROPERTY 300 50.00% 25 25 12/31/2016 1 089 -21 ATTIJARI RECOUVREMENT PROPERTY 3 350 100.00% 11 863 4 502 12/31/2016 4 502 -20 SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE DE L'HIVERNAGE SA PROPERTY 15 000 100.00% 15 531 7 851 12/31/2016 7 851 -1 372 SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE MAIMOUNA PROPERTY 300 100.00% 5 266 2 877 12/31/2016 2 877 -182 STE IMMOBILIERE MARRAKECH EXPANSION PROPERTY 300 100.00% 299 299 12/31/2016 446 -47 SOCIETE IMMOBILIERE ZAKAT PROPERTY 300 100.00% 2 685 488 12/31/2016 488 28 AYK PROPERTY 100 100.00% 100 - 12/31/2016 -954 6 CAPRI PROPERTY 25 000 99.76% 88 400 3 912 12/31/2016 23 174 -18 808

SOCIETE CIVILE IMMOBILIERE TOGO LOME PROPERTY 3 906 000 KFCFA 100.00% 66 761 66 761 12/31/2016 3 796 158


ATTIJARI IMMOBILIER PROPERTY 50 000 99.99% 71 686 71 686 06/30/2017 63 284 316 ATTIJARI INTERNATIONAL BANK "AIB" OFFSHORE BANK 2 400 KEUR 100.00% 92 442 92 442 06/30/2017 22 826 KEURO 1 296 KEURO 26 443 WAFACASH MONEY TRANSFERS 35 050 100.00% 324 074 324 074 06/30/2017 311 675 66 050 130 000 WAFA IMMOBILIER PROPERTY 50 000 100.00% 164 364 164 364 12/31/2016 152 906 96 164 96 000 WAFASALAF CONSUMER FINANCE 113 180 50.91% 634 783 634 783 06/30/2017 1 573 439 145 712 152 727 WAFA LLD LEASING 20 000 100.00% 20 000 20 000 06/30/2017 39 687 6 069 10 000 WAFABAIL LEASE-FINANCING 150 000 58.10% 91 158 91 158 06/30/2017 899 249 65 703 38 348

DAR ASSAFAA LITAMWIL SPECIALISED FINANCIAL COMPANY 50 000 100.00% 50 510 50 510 12/31/2016 65 822 1 172

ANDALUCARTAGE HOLDING COMPANY 308 162 KEURO 100.00% 3 937 574 3 937 574 06/30/2017 183 504 KEURO 15 707 KEURO 200 176 SUCCURSALE DE BRUXELLES EX BCM BANKING 558 KEURO 100.00% 57 588 57 588 06/30/2017 1 632 KEUR ATTIJARIWAFA EURO FINANCES HOLDING COMPANY 48 600 KEUR 100.00% 502 621 502 621 06/30/2017 48 168 KEURO -20 KEURO COMPAGNIE BANCAIRE DE L'AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE"CBAO" BANKING 11 450 000

KFCFA 4.90% 35 979 35 979 06/30/2017 83 258 992 KFCFA

8 604 616 KFCFA 7 950

CAFIN BANKING 1 122 000 KFCFA 100.00% 257 508 257 508 06/30/2017 6 420 204 KFCFA 1 555 931 KFCFA 47 743

KASOVI BANKING 50 KUSD 100.00% 1 519 737 1 519 737 06/30/2017 165 442 KUSD 8 676 KUSD - BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR LE MALI "BIM SA" BANKING 10 005 740

KFCFA 51.00% 689 599 689 599 06/30/2017 23 830 218 KFCFA

1 729 564 KFCFA

SOCIETE IVOIRIENNE DE BANQUE " SIB " BANKING 10 000 000 KFCFA 51.00% 648 084 648 084 06/30/2017 60 131 658

KFCFA 10175488

KFCFA 72 694

CREDIT DU SENEGAL BANKING 10 000 000 KFCFA 95.00% 292 488 292 488 06/30/2017 17 886 383

KFCFA 1 818 913

KFCFA 26 020

CREDIT DU CONGO BANKING 10 476 730 KFCFA 91.00% 608 734 608 734 06/30/2017 19 856 475

KFCFA 3 240 139

KFCFA 71 782

UNION GABONAISE DE BANQUES "UGB GABON" BANKING 10 000 000 KFCFA 58.71% 848 842 848 842 06/30/2017 29 863 236

KFCFA 5 759 270


KFCFA 51.00% 379 110 379 110 06/30/2017 37 621 202 KFCFA

5 343 652 KFCFA 74 499

SOCIETE BIA TOGO BANKING 9 108 974 KFCFA 66.76% 153 301 153 301 06/30/2017

10 813 939 KFCFA

371 602 KFCFA

ATTIJARI TCHAD BANKING 10 000 000 KFCFA 100.00% 166 908 166 908 - -

BANK ASSAFA BANKING 350 000 100.00% 350 000 350 000 WAFACAMBIO 100.00% 963 963 - - WAFABANK OFFSHORE DE TANGER OFFSHORE BANK 100.00% 5 842 5 842 - -

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (33)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201733



credit institutions and similar establishments in Moroccocredit institutions

overseas Total12/31/2017


Bank Al Maghrib, the treasury and post

office accountsBanks

other credit institutions and


CURRENT ACCOUNTS IN CREDIT 1 490 263 930 1 267 916 1 533 336 4 502 092

NOTES GIVEN AS SECURITY 12 031 707 2 816 497 14 848 204 5 211 350- overnight 2 816 497 2 816 497 700 081- term 12 031 707 12 031 707 4 511 269CASH BORROWINGS 950 000 2 768 000 2 822 835 4 403 275 10 944 110 11 974 851- overnight 2 158 000 69 957 2 227 957 1 546 184- term 950 000 610 000 2 752 878 4 403 275 8 716 153 10 428 667FINANCIAL BORROWINGS 1 992 82 2 074 2 074

OTHER DEBTS 45 905 29 690 75 595 73 941


TOTAL 13 029 604 5 615 677 3 086 765 5 671 273 27 432 674 21 792 115


B - OTHER INVESTMENTS 660 402 535 767 27 110

NOUVELLES SIDERURGIES INDUSTRIELLES METALS AND MINING 3 415 000 2.72% 62 942 62 942 06/30/2016 2 445 162 -1 099 344 FT MIFTAH SECURITIZATION 50 100 100.00% 50 100 50 100 SONASID METALS AND MINING 390 000 28 391 6 947 12/31/2016 1 888 010 -62 470 ATTIJARIWAFA BANK BANKING 2 035 272 623 623 - - BOURSE DE CASABLANCA STOCK MARKET 387 518 32 628 32 628 12/31/2016 629 321 38 740 AGRAM INVEST INVESTMENT FUND 40 060 27.82% 10 938 8 865 12/31/2016 31 869 -1 048 AM INVESTISsem*nT MOROCCO INVESTMENT HOLDING COMPANY 400 000 3.25% 13 000 8 298 - - BOUZNIKA MARINA PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT - 500 - - - EUROCHEQUES MAROC - 364 364 - - FONDS D'INVESTISsem*nT IGRANE INVESTMENT FUND 54 600 18.26% 9 970 6 910 12/31/2016 37 840 3 061


19 005 20.00% 3 801 3 801 - -

IMPRESSION PRESSE EDITION (IPE) PUBLISHING - 400 400 - - MOUSSAFIR HOTELS HOTEL MANAGEMENT 193 000 33.34% 64 343 64 343 06/30/2017 282 236 10 594 4 028 SALIMA HOLDING HOLDING COMPANY 150 000 6.07% 16 600 14 614 - - STE D'AMENAGEMENT DU PARC NOUACER"SAPINO"

PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 60 429 22.69% 13 714 13 714 12/31/2016 208 340 2 574

TANGER FREE ZONE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT 335 800 16.95% 58 221 58 221 - - 3 370 TECHNOLOPARK COMPANY "MITC" SERVICE COMPANY - 8 150 7 784 - - MAROCLEAR SECURITIES CUSTODIAN 20 000 6.58% 1 342 1 342 - - HAWAZIN PROPERTY 960 12.50% 704 - - - INTAJ PROPERTY 576 12.50% 1 041 549 - -


H PARTNERS INVESTMENT FUND 1 400 010 7.14% 100 000 39 433 12/31/2016 891 577 -46 109 MOROCCAN FINANCIAL BOARD FINANCIAL SERVICES 400 000 20 000 20 000 12/31/2016 376 867 30 275 MAROC NUMERIQUE FUND INVESTMENT FUND 75 000 20.00% 15 000 9 202 12/31/2016 46 012 -4 836 FONCIERE EMERGENCE PROPERTY 360 051 8.06% 33 844 21 856 12/31/2016 271 272 -3 522

ALTERMED MAGHREB EUR INVESTMENT FUND 109 468 EUR 7.94% 80 KEUR - 29 KEUR 12/31/2016 886 -

INTER MUTUELLES ASSISTANCE INSURANCE - 894 894 - - WAFA IMA ASSISTANCE INSURANCE 50 000 15 356 15 356 12/31/2016 90 896 20 765 2 112 3 P FUND INVESTMENT FUND 220 020 5.00% 11 000 7 805 12/31/2016 121 127 -10 635 BANQUE D'AFFAIRE TUNISIENNE BANKING 198 741 2 583 - - - BANQUE MAGHREBINE POUR L'INVESTISsem*nT ET LE COMMERCE EXTERIEUR "BMICE"

BANKING 500.000$ 1.20% 49 583 49 583 - -


SMAEX INSURANCE 37 450 11.42% 4 278 4 278 - -


Total 19 431 933 19 104 819 1 502 175

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (34)

CUSTOMER DEPOSITS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

DEPOSITS public sectorprivate sector



companiesnon-financial companies private sector

CURRENT ACCOUNTS IN CREDIT 2 587 185 3 269 788 30 217 492 105 339 851 141 414 316 129 555 947SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 27 861 271 27 861 271 26 911 023TERM DEPOSITS 665 000 3 534 043 10 552 168 24 288 914 39 040 125 38 365 648OTHER ACCOUNTS IN CREDIT 52 870 6 091 562 7 718 502 2 507 416 16 370 350 13 248 394ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 682 779 752 641

TOTAL 3 305 055 12 895 393 48 488 162 159 997 452 225 368 841 208 833 653

DEBT SECURITIES ISSUED at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)




including Unamortised value of issue or


entitlement date Maturity nominal

value interest rate Redemption terms Affiliates Related


CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 12/24/2013 12/24/2018 100 000 5.60% IN FINE 100 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 04/23/2014 04/23/2019 100 000 4.60% IN FINE 100 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 07/23/2015 07/23/2018 100 000 3.28% IN FINE 800 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 08/17/2015 08/17/2018 100 000 3.25% IN FINE 490 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 10/23/2015 10/23/2020 100 000 3.61% IN FINE 250 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 01/12/2016 01/12/2018 100 000 3.12% IN FINE 690 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 01/12/2016 01/14/2019 100 000 3.31% IN FINE 404 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 01/20/2016 01/21/2019 100 000 3.29% IN FINE 100 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 01/20/2016 01/20/2021 100 000 3.58% IN FINE 200 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 02/05/2016 02/05/2021 100 000 3.43% IN FINE 200 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 02/25/2016 02/25/2019 100 000 3.00% IN FINE 300 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 04/20/2016 04/22/2019 100 000 2.58% IN FINE 300 000

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 09/11/2017 03/12/2018 100 000 2.46% IN FINE 501 500

CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 09/11/2017 09/10/2018 100 000 2.61% IN FINE 1 343 000

TOTAL 5 778 500

DETAILS OF OTHER LIABILITIES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

LIABILITIES 12/31/2017 12/31/2016



SUNDRY CREDITORS 3 027 880 2 567 281Amounts due to the State 749 912 842 950Amounts due to mutual societies 76 146 72 370Sundry amounts due to staff 4 756 395 437Sundry amounts due to shareholders and associates 427 651 4 432Amounts due to suppliers of goods and services 1 745 018 1 226 988Other sundry creditors 24 397 25 104

DEFERRED INCOME AND ACCRUED EXPENSES 1 698 103 4 629 530Adjustment accounts for off-balance sheet transactions 1 063 233Translation differences for foreign currencies and securitiesIncome from derivative products and hedgingInter-company accounts between head office, branch offices and branches in MoroccoAccrued expenses and deferred income 612 427 1 066 893Other deferred income 1 084 613 3 562 404

TOTAL 7 080 313 10 052 514

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (35)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201735

PROVISIONS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

PROVISIONS outstanding 12/31/2016

Additional provisions Write-backs other changes outstanding


PROVISIONS, DEDUCTED FROM ASSETS, FOR: 8 832 139 1 318 901 1 506 457 -10 767 8 633 816 Loans and advances to credit institutions and other similar establishmentsLoans and advances to customers 8 195 429 1 264 061 1 197 485 -10 767 8 251 238 Available-for-sale securities 32 713 10 754 4 377 39 090 Investments in affiliates and other long-term investments 587 620 44 086 304 595 327 111 Leased and rented assets - - - - Other assets 16 377 - - 16 377 PROVISIONS RECORDED UNDER LIABILITIES 3 165 024 519 305 481 352 50 177 3 253 154 Provisions for risks in executing signature loans 305 490 73 984 112 776 9 978 276 676 Provisions for foreign exchange risks 907 907 - General provisions 1 898 849 165 700 2 064 549 Provisions for pension fund and similar obligations 135 798 45 322 38 454 142 666 Other provisions 823 980 234 299 329 215 40 199 769 263 Regulated provisionsTOTAL 11 997 163 1 838 206 1 987 809 39 410 11 886 970







SUBORDINATED DEBTS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

currency of issue

Value of loanof issue price (1) Rate Maturity


terms for early re-tion and convertibility demption. subordina-


Value of loanin thousand MAD

including related businesses including other related businesses

Valuein thousand MAD


Valuein thousand MAD


Valuein thousand MAD


Valuein thousand MAD


MAD 3,39% 10 YEARS 879 600 MAD 5,60% 10 YEARS 1 120 400 MAD 3,26% 10 YEARS 290 000 MAD 5,00% 10 YEARS 710 000 MAD 3,06% 7 YEARS 798 300 MAD 4,77% 7 YEARS 201 700 MAD 3,00% 5 YEARS 710 000 MAD 5,60% 7 YEARS 540 000 MAD 3,29% 10 YEARS 320 000 MAD 4,75% 10 YEARS 880 000 MAD 4,13% 7 YEARS 411 800 MAD 4,52% 10 YEARS 588 200 MAD 2,66% 7 YEARS 240 800 MAD 3,34% 7 YEARS 1 200 MAD 3,74% 10 YEARS 758 000 MAD 2,81% 7 YEARS 1 250 000 MAD 3,44% 7 YEARS 250 000 MAD 5,73% PERPETUAL 50 000 MAD 3,96% PERPETUAL 450 000 MAD 2,81% 7 YEARS 896 500 MAD 3,63% 7 YEARS 603 500 MAD 2,92% 7 YEARS 925 000 MAD 3,69% 7 YEARS 325 000 TOTAL 13 200 000 (1) BAM price at 12/31/2017 - (2) Possibly for an unspecified period – (3) Refer to the subordinated debt contract note

SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

SHAREHOLDERS’ outstanding 12/31/2016 Appropriation of income other changes outstanding 12/31/2017

Revaluation reserve 420 420 Reserves and premiums related to share capital 26 350 000 4 493 500 - 30 843 500 Legal reserve 203 527 - 203 527 Other reserves 18 029 980 4 493 500 22 523 480 Issue, merger and transfer premiums 8 116 493 - 8 116 493 Share capital 2 035 272 - - 2 035 272 Called-up share capital 2 035 272 - 2 035 272 Uncalled share capitalNon-voting preference sharesFund for general banking risksShareholders’ unpaid share capitalRetained earnings (+/-) 160 308 468 Net income (loss) awaiting appropriation (+/-)Net income (+/-) 6 935 048 -6 936 135 1 087 4 158 011

TOTAL 35 320 900 -2 442 327 1 087 37 037 671

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (36)

COMMITMENTS 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

FINANCING COMMITMENTS AND GUARANTEES GIVEN 118 180 275 74 919 835Financing commitments given to credit institutions and similar establishments 4 574 906 532Import documentary creditsAcceptances or commitments to be paid 532 532Confirmed credit linesBack-up commitments on securities issuanceIrrevocable leasing commitmentsOther financing commitments given 4 574 374Financing commitments given to customers 50 599 636 18 287 612Import documentary credits 14 210 895 15 148 137Acceptances or commitments to be paid 3 332 250 3 139 475Confirmed credit linesBack-up commitments on securities issuanceIrrevocable leasing commitmentsOther financing commitments given 33 056 491Guarantees given to credit institutions and similar establishments 15 990 396 15 981 109Confirmed export documentary credits 90 847 158 310Acceptances or commitments to be paidCredit guarantees given 2 005 381 2 058 580Other guarantees and pledges given 13 894 168 13 764 219Non-performing commitmentsGuarantees given to customers 47 015 337 40 650 582Credit guarantees given 6 490 412 985 258Guarantees given to government bodies 20 061 754 19 531 342Other guarantees and pledges given 19 781 765 19 437 319Non-performing commitments 681 406 696 663FINANCING COMMITMENTS AND GUARANTEES RECEIVED 20 389 889 23 034 121Financing commitments received from credit institutions and similar establishments 1 491 560Confirmed credit linesBack-up commitments on securities issuanceOther financing commitments received 1 491 560Guarantees received from credit institutions and similar establishments 20 008 773 21 270 627Credit guarantees receivedOther guarantees received 20 008 773 21 270 627Guarantees received from the State and other organisations providing guarantees 381 116 271 934Credit guarantees receivedOther guarantees received 381 116 271 934



Commitments given 3 144 Securities purchased with repurchase agreementOther securities to be delivered 3 144 Commitments received 15 274 Securities sold with repurchase agreementOther securities to be received 15 274

COMMITMENTS ON SECURITIES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)


hedging activities other activities

12/31/2017 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Forward foreign exchange transactions 54 792 398 48 152 264Foreign currencies to be received 20 670 552 20 756 134Dirhams to be delivered 6 030 477 10 268 448Foreign currencies to be delivered 21 191 080 13 605 264Dirhams to be received 6 900 289 3 522 418Commitments on derivative products 36 443 732 40 892 549Commitments on regulated fixed income marketsCommitments on OTC fixed income markets 3 665 834 10 377 597Commitments on regulated foreign exchange marketsCommitments on OTC foreign exchange markets 13 766 177 21 580 582Commitments on regulated markets in other instrumentsCommitments on OTC markets in other instruments 19 011 721 8 934 370

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (37)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201737

Securities received as guarantee Net book valueAsset/off-balance sheet entries

in which loans and signature loanspledged are given

Value of loans and signature loanspledged that are hedged

Treasury bills and similar assets

N/DOther securitiesMortgagesOther physical assetsTOTAL

Securities received as guarantee Net book valueAsset/off-balance sheet entries

in which loans and signature loanspledged are given

Value of loans and signature loanspledged that are hedged

Treasury bills and similar assets 11 682 Other securitiesMortgagesOther physical assets Other assets received and pledgedTOTAL 11 682


d ≤ 1 month 1 month < d ≤3 months

3 months < d ≤1 year

1 year < d ≤5 years d > 5 years TOTAL

ASSETSLoans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments 6 812 912 6 779 503 17 048 187 9 747 106 799 158 41 186 866Loans and advances to customers 12 045 503 15 478 662 43 838 403 62 419 834 45 455 473 179 237 875Debt securities 12 417 5 224 83 544 400 281 9 572 511 038Subordinated loans 1 833 273 698 529 4 308 417 6 840 219TOTAL 18 870 832 22 263 389 62 803 407 73 265 750 50 572 620 227 775 998

LIABILITIESAmounts owing to credit institutions and similar establishments 21 936 690 3 416 027 1 647 723 432 234 27 432 674Amounts owing to customers 18 004 624 12 907 127 68 908 318 72 771 626 52 777 146 225 368 841Debt securities issued 690 000 501 500 2 833 438 1 854 000 5 878 938Subordinated debt 8 655 451 967 500 3 696 700 13 319 651

TOTAL 40 631 314 16 824 654 82 044 930 76 025 360 56 473 846 272 000 104


Loans & Advances and demand deposits are classified according to run-off conventions adopted by the bank.

BALANCE SHEET 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

ASSETS 35 629 927 32 143 003Cash and balances with central banks, the Treasury and post office accounts 159 682 86 111Loans and advances to credit institutions and similar establishments 10 226 499 10 453 917Loans and advances to customers 4 397 362 5 067 306Trading securities and available-for-sale securities 6 806 032 4 566 675Other assets 113 703 3 202 753Investments in affiliates and other long-term investments 13 926 649 8 753 823Subordinated Leased and rented Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 12 418LIABILITIES 17 040 475 22 240 870Amounts owing to central banks, the Treasury and post office accountsAmounts owing to credit institutions and similar establishments 7 330 352 13 619 000Customer deposits 8 786 632 8 393 002Debt securities Other liabilities 923 491 229 955Subsidies, public funds and special guarantee Subordinated Share capital and reservesProvisionsRetained earningsNet income -1 087OFF-BALANCE SHEET 60 343 017 62 115 518Commitments given 42 054 981 41 589 237Commitments received 18 288 036 20 526 281


Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (38)



17 54 763 809

NET INTEREST MARGIN at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Interest and similar income from activities with customers 8 926 121 8 941 326 of which interest and similar income 8 682 864 8 684 083 of which fee income on commitments 243 257 257 243 Interest and similar income from activities with credit institutions 1 030 084 966 137 of which interest and similar income 969 858 925 775 of which fee income on commitments 60 226 40 362 Interest and similar income from debt securities 305 196 347 179 TOTAL INTEREST AND SIMILAR INCOME 10 261 401 10 254 641 Interest and similar expenses on activities with customers 2 451 394 2 718 007 Interest and similar expenses on activities with credit institutions 592 376 436 578 Interest and similar expenses on debt securities issued 207 086 246 466 TOTAL INTEREST AND SIMILAR EXPENSES 3 250 856 3 401 051 NET INTEREST MARGIN 7 010 544 6 853 590

FEE INCOME PROVIDED FROM SERVICES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

EXPENSES 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Staff costs 2 068 105 1 929 338 Taxes 122 812 119 829 External expenses 1 885 578 1 804 780 Other general operating expenses 18 863 15 649 Depreciation, amortisation and provisions on intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 412 389 415 918 TOTAL 4 507 747 4 285 515

FEES 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Account management 222 827 213 692 Payment services 663 751 588 327 Securities transactions 52 669 41 266 Asset management and custody 81 866 76 390 Credit services 127 032 156 833 Sale of insurance products 118 240 100 666 Other services provided 368 835 316 611

TOTAL 1 635 220 1 493 786

INCOME FROM MARKET ACTIVITIES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

INCOME AND EXPENDITURES 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

+ Gains on trading securities 1 994 475 2 094 865 - Losses on trading securities 365 293 315 888 Income from activities in trading securities 1 629 182 1 778 977 + Capital gains on disposal of available-for-sale securities 9 42 716 + Write-back of provisions for impairment of available-for-sale securities 4 377 565 - Losses on disposal of available-for-sale securities 5 303 - Provisions for impairment of available-for-sale securities 10 753 2 459 Income from activities in available-for-sale securities -6 367 35 518 + Gains on foreign exchange transactions - transfers 1 608 702 2 343 053 + Gains on foreign exchange transactions - notes 100 026 91 204 - Losses on foreign exchange transactions - transfers 1 068 310 1 981 678 - Losses on foreign exchange transactions - notes 4 841 3 836 Income from foreign exchange activities 635 577 448 742 + Gains on fixed income derivative products 44 826 101 899 + Gains on foreign exchange derivative products 211 478 81 413 + Gains on other derivative products 306 140 247 003 - Losses on fixed income derivative products 23 967 80 138 - Losses on foreign exchange derivative products 128 219 66 507 - Losses on other derivative products 308 420 344 322 Income from activities in derivatives products 101 838 -60 652

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (39)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201739

INCOME FROM EQUITY SECURITIES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

CATEGORY 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Available-for-sale securities - - Investments in affiliates and other long-term investments 1 512 834 4 587 637

TOTAL 1 512 834 4 587 637

OTHER INCOME AND EXPENSES at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)


Other banking income 4 288 009 5 002 750

Other banking expenses 2 936 757 3 761 407

TOTAL 1 351 252 1 241 343


Non-banking operating income 52 074 104 797

Non-banking operating expenses 3 469 -

TOTAL 48 605 104 797

Provisions and losses on irrecoverable loans 2 797 776 2 410 213

Provision write-backs and amounts recovered on impaired loans 2 045 997 1 053 971


Non-current income 695 11 999

Non-current expenses 530 893 191 171


Income from ordinary activities after items of income and expenditure 6 291 804

Tax write-backs on ordinary activities (+) 385 852

Tax deductions on ordinary activities (-) 1 813 419

Theoretical taxable income from ordinary activities (=) 4 864 237

Theoretical tax on income from ordinary activities (-) 1 799 768

Income after tax from ordinary activities (=) 4 492 036





Balance at the beginning of the


transactions liable to VAT during the period


VAT declarations during the period


Balance at the end of the exercise


A. VAT collected 166 938 1 331 701 1 376 367 122 272 B. Recoverable VAT 205 855 488 152 491 830 202 177 On expenses 98 687 368 692 385 129 82 250 On fixed assets 107 168 119 460 106 701 119 927 C. VAT payable or VAt credit = (A-B) -38 917 843 549 884 537 -79 905

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (40)


Reconciliation statement Amount Amount

I- NET INCOME FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES 4 158 011 . Net profit 4 158 011 . Net lossII- TAX WRITE-BACKS 1 989 446 1- Current 1 989 446 - Income tax 1 603 594 - Losses on irrecoverable loans not provisioned 18 944 - General provisions 165 700 - Provisions for pension funds and similar obligation 45 322 - Provisions for other contingencies and losses 18 700 - Non-deductible exceptional expenses 136 052 - Personalized gifts 1 134 2- Non-currentIII- TAX 1 813 419 1- Current 1 813 419 - 100% allowance on income from investments in affiliates 1 504 465 - Write-back of provisions used 38 454 - Write-back of contingencies and losses 270 500 - Write-back of general contingencies - 2- Non-currentTOTAL 6 147 457 1 813 419

IV- GROSS INCOME FOR TAX PURPOSES 4 334 038 . Gross profit for tax purposes if T1 > T2 (A) 4 334 038 . Gross loss for tax purposes if T2 > T1 (B)V- TAX LOSS CARRY FORWARDS (C) (1)

. Financial year Y-4

. Financial year Y-3

. Financial year Y-2

. Financial year Y-1 4 334 038VI - NET INCOME FOR TAX 4 334 038 . Net profit for tax purposes (A - C) . Net loss for tax purposes (B)VII - ACCUMULATED DEFERRED DEPRECIATION

VIII - ACCUMULATED TAX LOSSES TO BE CARRIED . Financial year Y-4. Financial year Y-3. Financial year Y-2. Financial year Y-1

(1) up to the value of gross profit for tax purposes (A)

SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

Name of main shareholders or associates Adressnumber of shares held % of share

capitalprevious period current period

A- DOMESTIC SHAREHOLDERS* S.N.I ANGLE RUES D'ALGER ET DUHAUME CASA 97 433 137 97 433 137 47.87%* GROUPE MAMDA & MCMA 16 RUE ABOU INANE RABAT 15 597 202 15 597 202 7.66%* WAFA ASSURANCE 1 RUE ABDELMOUMEN CASA 13 456 468 13 226 583 6.50%* REGIME COLLECTIF D'ALLOCATION ET DE RETRAITE HAY RIAD - B.P 20 38 - RABAT MAROC 10 417 416 10 417 416 5.12%* CIMR BD ABDELMOUMEN CASA 7 860 780 7 860 780 3.86%* CAISSE MAROCAINE DE RETRAITE 140 PLACE MY EL HASSAN RABAT 4 405 769 4 405 769 2.16%* CAISSE DE DEPOT ET DE GESTION 140 PLACE MY EL HASSAN RABAT 3 576 531 3 576 531 1.76%* RMA WATANIYA 83 AVENUE DES FAR CASA 2 683 942 2 683 942 1.32%* BANK STAFF ************************** 2 819 401 1 462 560 0.72%* AXA ASSURANCES MAROC 120 AVENUE HASSAN II CASA 1 551 495 1 551 495 0.76%* UCITS AND OTHER SHAREHOLDERS ************************** 33 009 471 34 596 197 17.00%B- FOREIGN SHAREHOLDERS *SANTUSA HOLDING PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA N° 24 MADRID (ESPAGNE) 10 715 614 10 715 614 5.26%TOTAL 203 527 226 203 527 226 100.00%

Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (41)

Attijariwafa bank Results at 31 December 201741

BRANCH NETWORK 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Permanent counters 1191 1171Occasional countersCash dispensers and ATMs 1306 1245Branches in Europe 64 68Representative offices in Europe and Middle-East 7 8

STAFF 12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Salaried staff 8 533 8 236 Staff in employment 8 533 8 236 Full-time staff 8 533 8 236 Administrative and technical staff (full-time)Banking staff (full-time)Managerial staff (full-time) 4 633 4 385 Other staff (full-time) 3 900 3 851 Including Overseas staff 58 61

CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

12/31/2017 12/31/2016

Current accounts 187 961 175 692Current accounts of Moroccans living abroad 816 418 788 355Other current accounts 2 180 220 2 013 690Factoring liabilities 7 7Savings accounts 922 849 877 619Term accounts 16 815 17 757Certificates of deposit 2 699 2 711Other deposit accounts 1 303 343 1 086 464TOTAL 5 430 312 4 962 295


Dates Indication of event


. unfavourable NOT APPLICABLE

I. KEY DATES . Balance sheet date (1) 31 December 2017. Date for drawing up the financial statements (2) February-18

(1) Justification in the event of any change to the balance sheet date(2) Justification in the event that the statutory 3-month period for drawing up the financial statements is exceeded.

ITEM December 2017 December 2016 December 2015

SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND EQUIVALENT 37 037 671 35 320 900 30 623 461 OPERATIONS AND INCOME IN FYNet banking income 11 502 724 14 235 602 10 840 770 Pre-tax income 5 761 605 8 519 470 5 118 408 Income tax 1 603 594 1 584 422 1 452 990 Dividend distribution 2 442 327 2 238 799 2 035 272

PER SHARE INFORMATION IN MADEarning per shareDividend per share 12,00 11,00 10,00

STAFFStaff Costs 2 068 105 1 929 338 1 854 299 Average staff during the exercice

Value Value

A- origin of appropriated income B- Appropriation of incomeEarnings brought forward 160 to legal reserve - Net income awaiting appropriation Dividends 2 442 327 Net income for the financial year 6 935 048 Other items for appropriation 4 492 413 Deduction from income Earnings carried forward 468 Other deductions

TOTAL A 6 935 208 TOTAL B 6 935 208

APPROPRIATION OF INCOME at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

BRANCH NETWORK at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

STAFF at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)

KEY DATES AND POST-BALANCE SHEET EVENTS at 31 December 2017 (thousand MAD)


Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (42)



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Financial Communication 2017 - Attijariwafa Bank SA - [PDF Document] (2024)


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