1. [PDF] Europe - on air : interwar projects for radio broadcasting
1 jan 2012 · international events live via their radio sets. An immense short wave connection at. Tangiers in Africa would in turn link the European ...
2. XIII Stoleti - AlterNation
Bevat niet: rádia | Resultaten tonen met:rádia
Petr Stepán - lyrics, vocal, guitarPavel Stepán - drumsMartin Soukup - bassOllie Ryšavá - keyboard
3. - Introducing Pavla Dundálková: When I Close My Window, I Donʼt Hear ...
**Pavla Dundálková** (1990, Zlín) is a fresh graduate from the Studio of Sculpture, headed by Lukáš Rittstein, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.
**Pavla Dundálková** (1990, Zlín) is a fresh graduate from the Studio of Sculpture, headed by Lukáš Rittstein, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. During her studies, she passed scholarships in the New Media Studio of Anna Daučíková and in the Studio of Sculpture headed by Dominik Lang and Edith Jeřábková. She already has several group as well as solo exhibitions behind, and was the finalist of EXIT AWARD in 2015. Her work naturally combines video, spatial installation, sculptural object, and free and applied arts. For the Presidential Salon, Dundálková has prepared a multi-layered installation which responds to the contemporary complex social and political situation. It is her commentary on the escapist tendencies of both past and present, employing illusive installation, collage and ceramic objects, and also video.
4. VATICAN One year of Pope Francis: Revolution in tradition - AsiaNews
13 mrt 2014 · Since becoming the “bishop of Rome” on March 13, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been transforming the Church with his personal witness.
Since becoming the “bishop of Rome” on March 13, 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been transforming the Church with his personal witness. His appeal for a Church of the poor, an outward bound Church, ‘the worlds' field hospital’ are the best fruit of the Second Vatican Council. Conservative and progressive interpretations abound, right and left, but this Pope just wants the world to encounter the salvation of Jesus Christ.
5. [PDF] Handbook of Polish, Czech and Slovak Holocaust Fiction. Works ...
Abstract. Handbook of Polish, Czech and Slovak Holocaust Fiction is a work in progress aiming at be- coming a standard reference work addressed to ...
6. Karel Tejkal (1937) - Paměť národa
Karel Tejkal was born October 11, 1937 in Prague. He has been interested in sport, history and radio broadcasting since he was a little boy.
Karel Tejkal was born October 11, 1937 in Prague. He has been interested in sport, history and radio broadcasting since he was a little boy. After graduation in 1956 he went to study Czech language and literature and journalism. During his university studies he already began working in the radio's sports department, but later he found employment in the news department. He joined the Communist Party while he was doing his compulsory military service in the early 1960s. During the Soviet occupation in 1968 he was actively participating in the anti-occupation broadcast of the Studio Central Bohemia. In the period of the beginning of the normalization process he had to take part in an army training, where he contracted a serious case of hepatitis. He survived the subsequent political purges thanks to a long-term stay in hospital. He stayed in the Radio until 1976, and then he left of his own will. He found a new job in the company Sportpropag, where he became one of the key authors of the nationwide campaign Buď fit! (‘Get Into Shape!'). After November 1989 he returned to the Radio and he served as the head of the sports department, then as the head editor of the station Czechoslovakia, and before retirement he was in charge of the program Dobré jitro (‘Good Morning') on the station Prague. He made significant innovations to it and greatly increased the number of listeners. Karel Tejkal is now retired and he collaborates with the magazine Vital. He has been awarded the Ferdinan...
7. The role of Czech Radio broadcasts of revolutionary stages in 20th century
5 jan 2025 · Abstract. V bakalářské práci rozebírám historií vysílání Českého, respektive Československého rozhlasu. První část se zabývá rozhlasem jako ...
8. Lék na všechny nedostatky? Studijně‑analytická práce v ministerstvu ...
Summary/Abstract: In context of the social development in communist Czechoslovakia, voices calling for the need for fundamental reforms also began to be heard ...
See AlsoDIY Herbal Flower Milk Foot BathCentral and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
9. History | Czech Philharmonic - Česká filharmonie
In October 1989 Václav Neumann ceased to cooperate with Czechoslovak radio and television. He was protesting against the persecution of those whom had signed ...
Since its very first concert on January 4, 1896 the orchestra has been led by and comprised of outstanding artists, all of whom have contributed to building the Czech Philharmonic's excellent reputation at home and around the world. The orchestra's activities have also significantly – for better or for worse – tended to manifest the artistic, cultural, and political context reflective of the times.
10. Dr. Martina Niedhammer - Collegium Carolinum
Januar 2013, Note: Summa cum laude (0.5); 2001–2007 Studium der Slavischen ... století – skupinová biografie. Praha 2017. Reviewed in: Bohemia ...
Reviewed in: Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Kultur und Geschichte der böhmischen Länder 54/2 (2014) H-Soz-Kult (03.10.2013) Jahrbuch zur Liberalismus-Forschung 2014,1 Judaica Bohemiae 49/1 (2014) Medaon. Magazin für jüdisches Leben in Forschung und Bildung 8/15 (2014) sehepunkte. Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften 13/12 (2013) Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 63/7–8 (2014) Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 63/4 (2014) Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 64/1 (2016) Pražský sborník historický 43 (2015) Střed / Centre. Časopis pro mezioborová studia Střední Evropy 19. a 20. století 1/2016 Český časopis historický 115/3 (2017)
11. Československá propaganda ve třicátých letech 20. století ... - CEEOL
The increasing danger posed by neighboring Nazi Germany elevated it to a conscious effort to use spiritual means to control the masses in order to help defend ...
Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEE journals, documents, articles, periodicals, books available online for download, Zeitschrfitendatenbank, Online Zeitschriften, Online Zeitschriftendatenbank
12. Laureát Ceny VH 2013 - Knihovna Václava Havla
30 sep 2024 · Moderator: Irina Lagunina – Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty · Pavol Demeš – European Endowment for Democracy, Slovak Republic · Rasul Jafarov – ...
Knihovna Václava Havla slouží jako dokumentační a vědecké centrum zabývající se moderními českými dějinami s důrazem na propagaci myšlenek Václava Havla.
13. Paul Johnson: Bleskové portréty 20 .století - Radio Proglas
... století. Datum a čas vysílání: 13. 10. 2013, 13:20. Autor: ... In order to do this really well, we also use these technologies to measure results or to ...
Datum a čas vysílání: 13. 10. 2013, 13:20